Saturday, December 7, 2024

Andromeda Ascending: The Third Human Diaspora

 Book Cover

Andromeda Ascending:

The Third Human Diaspora 

In the far future humans have retreated from the Foe, which has exterminated  sentients throughout the Milky Way.  Only once has the Foe been defeated, and that was a close call.

Stragglers and survivors have colonized a sunless rogue planet, Argo, on the fringe of the galaxy.  Each morph group has its own story to tell.  Genetic engineering is high science.  Saviant Daron, Garron v’Harga de v’Cera, scion of the v’Harga clan, creates his life work, genegeneered twins, Janys and Jion.   

Daron has an implant, a Class 2 A, Belle.  Belle is emissary to the Starions, a space-faring race that inhabits neutron stars.  

Starions take an interest in Janys and Jion, especially Samantha, formerly human.

The story describes the lives of Janys and Jion, ranging from the Milky Way to far galaxies in the Local Cluster.  It is the epic of humankind in the Third Diaspora.


Andromeda Ascending is an answer to "Why are we here" and "What are we, anyway" framed in the far future where these are more than philosophical questions.  This is a thriller, a far future exploration with soul and meaning.  The writing is tense and poetic in places, the characters are bold and unusual.  I enjoyed it!


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New Planet Colony, Science Fiction with Aliens, Far Future Science Fiction, Science Fiction Dystopian, Science Fiction Ebooks, Hard Science Fiction, Science Fiction Thriller

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