Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Power of Infinity


The Power of Infinity

The Power of Infinity’ was the #2 Amazon hot release and is written by the award winning author Dr Anupkumar Shetty who has survived colon cancer and prevented cancers since 18 years.
Do you want the best way to beat cancer? Do you know how I beat cancer at the age of 41?
Do you want a holistic way of problem solving in life including cancer survivorship and cancer prevention?
Do you want to know how to prevent cancer starting from early adult life?
Do you want to know about cancer prevention diet and cancer prevention meditation?
Do you want to know more about an anti-cancer lifestyle?
Do you want to know the Power of Infinity in beating cancer and preventing cancer?
Do you know that you have the Power of Infinity? Do you know that Infinity is in you and you are the Infinity?
Do you want to learn from a cancer survivor who happens to be a doctor?
If you want to know how to beat cancer, how to prevent cancer and know more about experiencing infinity, please go to www.amazon.com and buy Shetty's 'The Power of Infinity' at https://a.co/d/iZUayiQ and https://amzn.eu/d/fsiAZCC

The book has five sections.
 The first and the fifth sections summarize the book for a busy reader.
 The second section is on fighting cancer as the last game of your life by comparing this battle to world cup finals of any sport you like by diligent, unfailing team building and intelligent, blissful execution.
 The third section is about the prevention of cancer an amalgamation of the science of cancer, mathematics of cancer, an anticancer lifestyle, and appreciating and realizing the infinite power within us.
 In the fourth section, the author talks about the relevance of 'Infinity' in cancer and day to day living. Author democratizes spirituality and stresses that we all have access to Infinity, God, or Brahman in this life without waiting for it to be an afterlife experience. He suggests some tools to experience ‘Infinity’.

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