Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Welcome to the Shit Show

Welcome to the Shit Show:

Falling in love with a narcissist sucks.

Coloring helps.

Has your dream relationship evolved into a nightmare? Are you wondering if your partner is a narcissist? Are you hoping the person you first met will resurface and things will get better again? If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions, then you’ve come to the right place.

The term narcissist is thrown around a lot these days. And because narcissism is a spectrum,  it can range from a bit self-absorbed to downright dangerous. As a therapist, I will tell you that concepts that help a partner understand the narcissist (like soulmate scam, gaslighting, flying monkeys, and crazymaking) have evolved over time. They aren't taught in graduate school and can't be found in clinical textbooks.

Narcissists are ironic in that they regard themselves as one of a kind special yet all seem to use the same playbook. So get ready to learn, journal and color as the story of romance with a narcissist unfolds from the beginning to oh so predictable end. You will learn how you got here, the signs and symptoms of narcissism, as well as the types of emotional abuse that occur in these relationships. Tools for recovery are also included to help you become narc proof!


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