This witchcraft student agenda and planner comes packed in over 600 pages with fully customizable daily, weekly and monthly pages - so witches can start the planner going in any month, plus ritual & spell pages, crystal & gem tracking pages, journal pages, sketch pages and more! It's a witchcraft themed organizer, planner and agenda all-in-one and has 12 full mystical months of planning pages (including daily, weekly and monthly pages for one full year) that are conveniently setup to make it easy to keep track of important tasks for school or every day life. here are spaces for tracking daily tasks, weekly tasks, monthly tasks and appointments, plus there are plenty of notes sections to keep track of important information. Spell and ritual pages track moon phases, ingredients and more, plus the Crystal and Gems pages help witches keep track of their various gemstones and crystals. Additionally, we've included sketch and journaling pages, so students can be as creative as they want to be! Recommended for ages 13+. Great for students or adults who are practicing witches.
Click here to get The Witch's Agenda on Amazon

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