Monday, January 4, 2021

Mental Savage Book Club


If 2020 has taught us anything it's that mental strength is important...that's why Mental Savage is launching the world's first mindset focussed online book club giving you knowledge through the ancient art of reading and priceless accountability to sharpen your mind in a global tribe of like-minded individuals 😄🧠💪📖

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  • Mental Savage Book Club is the world's first mindset focussed online book club giving you knowledge through the ancient art of reading and priceless accountability to sharpen your mind in a global tribe of like-minded individuals.


  • Knowledge - You will learn how to sharpen your mind through our curated book list.

  • Community - You will instantly be part of our tribe, meeting dynamic people whilst forming valuable relationships.

  • Accountability - You will be pushed to keep learning and growing. Accountability is priceless. 

Join now -->

#reading #onlinebookclub #personaldevelopment

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