Thursday, November 30, 2023

2030 Last Call for Humanity


2030 Last Call for Humanity

In 2030, tyranny reigns while maintaining only a facade of democracy. Keith must escape attack drones, police robots, and the clutches of federal agents serving a two-faced government. He had to leave this planet of mind controlled citizenry altogether, With only his lawyer girlfriend Ms. Howard and a ragtag band of ill equipped rebels under heavy surveillance and facing microwave emitting weapons and public monitors and a future filled with dark promise.

R. Scott Reath is a free speech advocate, a strong believer in the right to privacy, and enjoys bringing people together through uncensored and honest dialogue. A former freelance writer turned author who was so impacted by certain literature that he felt obligated to attempt to invigorate readers in the way he'd been invigorated by those who came before us.

Click here to get 2030 Last Call for Humanity on

Click here to get 2030 Last Call for Humanity on Ebook at 

Financing The Unbankable Deal

Financing The Unbankable Deal:

How to Buy Commercial Real Estate with the Bridge Loan Investor Success Strategy

You found a great commercial real estate deal.

But the bank won’t finance it.

Now what do you do?

For Commercial Real Estate (CRE) investors, the answer is simple - BLISS.

The Bridge Loan Investor Success Strategy (BLISS) is a unique method for financing unbankable deals. This groundbreaking book is essential to growing your CRE portfolio.

It is uncommon for three reasons:

  1. It closes deals fast - less than 30 days
  2. It has few qualifying hurdles to clear
  3. It does not involve giving up equity

Once armed with this strategy, you will not be restricted only to deals approved by your bank.

BLISS has helped savvy investors add millions of dollars to their real estate portfolio while increasing their pace of acquisition by 4X-5X. Now you too can learn this little-known strategy to help you increase your wealth and achieve financial freedom.


  • The Top 4 Deal Killers and How to overcome them
  • The 6 C’s banks use to kill your mortgage loan application
  • How to get mortgages on properties w/low occupancy or little cash flow
  • Common mistakes many investors make that sabotage deals
  • Six Goldmines of Profit that you can exploit with BLISS
  • And much more…

Inside these pages, you will find real-world case studies of actual deals investors have closed using this strategy. You will see the opportunities gained, challenges overcome, and profits made from their experience implementing the Bridge Loan Investor Success Strategy.

Demographic Waterfall: The Baby Boomers, the largest generation of investors, are retiring at a breakneck pace. They own billions of dollars of real estate and they want to exit. The market needs investors who know how to take these properties off their hands. Don't miss out on this generational opportunity.

Are you ready to go higher in real estate?

You’ll love this comprehensive book because it is easy to follow and will teach you how to do the deals common investors leave behind.

Get it today.

Click here to get Financing The Unbankable Deal

on Amazon / Kindle

Also Available on Kindle Unlimited 

The Deseret Reckoning: A Novel


The Deseret Reckoning: A Novel 

"This irresistible novel manages the curious trick of making the reader want to stand up and cheer... A transformative tale of personal reinvention from a masterful storyteller." - Kirkus Reviews (Kirkus Star)

"... a thoughtful but well-paced adventure... raising the stakes, right till the end. This novel is as much a journey of self discovery and newfound determination as it is a quest for retracing a historical trail." --BookLife

The latest stunning release from the author of Of Dice and Men comes a tale based in history, told through the eyes of Susan Kingsley, a shy yet bold museum assistant in the midst of change, displacement, and growth.

Susan Kingsley is a historical acquisitions assistant with career ambitions at the Smithsonian Museum. She shares an apartment with her ex-husband, FBI special agent Andrew Harrison.

Susan has discovered copies of a series of letters from 1870 describing a wagon train from Santa Fe, New Mexico, bound for the Deseret Territory, the Mormon lands prior to Utah statehood, and a hidden mine.

The new owner of the letters, twenty-seven-year-old Tom Sullivan, a distant relative of the recipient, joins two older friends on a camping trip to discover the source of the letters. While Susan tracks Tom and his letters across Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah, Andrew tails her every step. After a chance encounter with Kat, a friendly face at a challenging time, a bolder, fiercer Susan emerges.

As Susan’s character arc grows, Andrew’s arc delves from petty disagreements to all-out fraud and deception, a cop with a grudge. What secrets will be revealed? What has been hidden in the mine? Will Susan succeed, or will Andrew sabotage her efforts and commit the ultimate crime?

Click here to get The Deseret Reckoning

on Amazon / Kindle

Also Available on Kindle Unlimited 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Reality’s End

Reality’s End

They say the world will end with a whimper. That phrase echoed in my mind, its poetic simplicity always finding a way to lure me in. But reality doesn’t have the luxury of being poetic. It was never a whimper that I heard when the Earth’s life-thread was cut; it was a colossal roar of torment that would put the most catastrophic natural disasters to shame. A cataclysmic explosion erupted, tearing through the very fabric of the universe, and for a moment, chaos reigned.

Before Hell broke loose I was just a man struggling to make ends meet. A medically Retired Vet living on too little, the aches never ceased. My personal life was its own kind of hell; an estranged wife who considered alimony a blood sport, a daughter too young to understand the complexities of love and betrayal, and parents who made me wonder if family was just a six-letter word for “trap.” Luckily, none of them wanted anything to do with me nor me them.
In an atmosphere already pregnant with misery, the Apocalypse felt almost comically excessive. I’ve lived in the South long enough to know what heat feels like, but this was different. This was a blazing inferno that rendered everything else trivial. But that wasn’t the end. Oh, no, Hell had only just clocked out for its lunch break.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Disease Zero: How Snoring and Sleep Apnea Shortens your Life and How to Correct Them


Disease Zero:

How Snoring and Sleep Apnea Shortens your Life and How to Correct Them

If you know a Snorer, someone with Sleep Apnea, or a Problem Sleeper. You should read this book. Maybe it’s your Husband, your Wife, your Mother, Father, Son, or Daughter? Maybe it’s you, and do not realize it.

This book provides numerous ways to improve your sleep, along with a litany of health problems. 

Did you know Snoring and Sleep Apnea are underlying disorders which fuel countless other diseases?

Ranging from serious diseases such as Heart Attacks, Strokes, High Blood Pressure, Atrial Fibrillation, Arrhythmia, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Depression, Insomnia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. To more mundane issues such as Heartburn (Gastric Reflux – GERD), Chronic Hay fever, Sinus Issues, Leg Cramps, Bruxism, and Erectile Dysfunction.

You should read this book to correct your sleep disorder. So you can Rest, Repair and Recover, and live a long, happy life.

Monday, November 27, 2023

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions - Christmas Time Is Coming


The Big Black Book of Sex Positions:

Take Your Sex Life From Boring To

Mind-Blowing in a Few More Than 69 Moves


Get ready to take your sex life to a whole-new level. Here is an oversize, full-color guide to heat up any bedroom with these tantalizing positions that will enhance your sex, impress your partner, and make lovemaking more fun than ever for you.

With a Complete Collect of Sexy Challenges to keep the New Year Fresh and Exciting for your Relationship.  

Click here to start your Holidays shopping to get 

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions

On Amazon Hardback / Kindle 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

You Are The Way


You are the Way:

Manifest your Dream Life with Neville Goddard's Law of Assumption - Manifesting & Motivational | Manifestation Book for Women & Men | ... about Love Health Money

The principles of manifestation in one book: „You Are The Way” takes you step-by-step to your wish fulfillment with the Law of Assumption according to Neville Goddard!

I'm glad you found your way here, because something inside you wants 
MORE out of life - more love, more happiness, more fulfillment. But as long as these things remain just a wish, you'll be chasing your dreams forever. What you need in order to make your wish come true are proven techniques for manifesting.

Have you ever wondered why there are people with a "golden touch", while others are constantly haunted by bad luck? If you count yourself in the first category, congratulations! You're already pretty good at creating conscious 
manifestations. In this case, the techniques in this Manifestation Book will help you fulfill (even) greater desires. Often, however, reality looks more like this: You struggle and put in such incredible effort to achieve your goals. But whenever things seem to be going uphill, the next defeat, the next obstacle, the next setback comes your way. You've walked two steps and been thrown back three.

When I was at that point, I thought: There are so many reports of people who have made the almost impossible possible, just by being able to 
manifest properly. Then why isn't it working for me? What am I doing wrong? Why can't I be happy? But this is the wrong way of thinking! I remembered some moments from my life in which I had desperately wished for something and then it actually happened. Completely unconsciously, I had manifested my wish fulfillment at that time - even a lost love in my youth!

The problem? Without the right guidance, manifesting remains a „fluke”!

Have there been moments like this in your life? For example, look at where you are today: Which of your present circumstances did your younger self wish for? Why I say this is: We 
manifest all the time, but mostly unconsciously and therefore often not what we desire, but what we fear. To avoid repeating old patterns and calling unwanted things into our lives, we should learn how manifestation exactly works.

Author & Master of 
Manifestation Neville Goddard has broken down the Law of Assumption (the proper Law of Attraction) and Hermetic Laws to its most important components, thereby achieving the greatest successes in manifesting. Personally, but also for thousands and thousands of students who learned to manifest properly through him. One of his apprentices was Elmer O. Locker Jr. His grandson David has enriched this Manifestation Book with many of his experiences in manifestation. If you, too, want to use your consciousnessthe power of your mind & the power of your subconscious mind to fulfill your desires, then wait no longer and use the techniques & instructions in this book.

  • You want to achieve financial independence? In this Manifest Book you will find a manifesting guide to getting rich!
  • Are you longing for your specific person or soul mate? With the techniques in this Manifestation Book you will find love and happiness!
  • Do you want to become fit and healthy? The instructions in this Manifesting Book will teach you how to manifest it!

Get this Manifestation Book: Let your heart's desires come true & start living the Dream Life you deserve!

Prehistory Explained


Prehistory Explained

This eBook explores the following theories: NASA archive images of towers on the Moon and giant pyramids on Mars, magnetic resonance imaging data of an ancient city under the Antarctic ice sheet, fractal analysis of the Face on Mars proving it's artificial, X-ray analysis of the Great Pyramid showing secret chambers, and more… The theories in this eBook are based on hundreds of pieces of irrefutable scientific evidence including: NASA's lunar seismometry data, NASA's lunar core tube data, carbon-dated dinosaur bones, magnetic resonance imaging data from Antarctica, radar imaging of the Martian moon Phobos, and X-ray analysis of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. The theories in this eBook are also based on hundreds of ancient writings including: The Bible, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Mayan Popol Vuh, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Epic of Etana, the Lost Book of Enki, the ancient Sumerian and Babylonian tablets, and many other ancient writings…

Theory: The Sapphire Stone was an ancient computer

According to the Jewish Tales of the Ancient Times, one Anunnaki man called Raziel gave Adam (Adam and Eve) a book known as the sapphire stone. “And at the hour that Adam received the book, a fire went up upon the bank of the river, and the angel rose in the flames up to heaven. Then Adam knew that the messenger was an angel of God, and that the book was sent him from the holy King. And he preserved it in holiness and purity…. In the book were engraved the higher signs of holy wisdom, and two-and-seventy kinds of knowledge were contained therein, which were divided into 670 signs of the highest mysteries. Also 1,500 keys, such as are not entrusted to the holy ones of the higher world, were concealed within the book.”
According to the ancient Jewish tales, this stone book gave Adam the ability to name every object and animal. Another Anunnaki man, Raphael, took the book from Adam and was forced to give it back to him. Adam imparted the book to his son Seth and gave him instructions for operating it, and for ‘conversing with the book’. Seth built “…a golden chest, placed the book therein and hid the chest in a cave in the town of Enoch”. Enoch discovered the golden chest and the sapphire stone within it.

After studying from the sapphire stone, Enoch “…knew now all the ways of the seasons, of the planets, of the lights which each month fulfill their services; also he knew the name of each cycle and orbit, and knew the angels who steer their courses.” With the assistance of the Anunnaki man Raphael, the sapphire stone reached the hands of Noah and Noah learnt to comprehend, with its help, all the paths of the planets, also ‘the paths of Aldebaran, Orion, Sirius’. He also learnt from it “… the names of all the different spheres of heaven … and the names of the heavenly servants’.

After Noah emerged from the ark, the book traveled with him all the days of his life. According to the Jewish Tales of the Ancient Times, the sapphire stone was handed down to Abraham, to Moses, and ‘from generation to generation was it passed down unto King Solomon’.

The sapphire stone ultimately reached the hands of Alexander the Great. I believe that the sapphire stone, the “Stone of Adam” was a computer tablet with an LED active-matrix display, a speaker, a microphone, and a microprocessor. This sapphire stone allowed the Anunnaki to teach Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and others great knowledge. I believe that the golden chest that Adam’s son Seth constructed for the sapphire stone was the Ark of the Covenant and I believe that the sapphire stone was passed down through the generations in the Ark of the Covenant.

Click the Link Below to Learn More and to get Your Copy

Saturday, November 25, 2023

A Chance To Love


A Chance to Love

Kiconco loves her family and enjoys spending time with them. There is one thing missing however - she never gets to spend time with her dad. Her parents are separated and she doesn't get to see her father - at all. She misses him and feels like she has a huge hole in her heart because of that. A Chance to Love addresses parental alienation and neglect, and Jestina hopes it will be a valuable tool to aid parents, teachers, and family advocacy personnel in explaining such confusing experiences to young children. The author believes in children being heard, understood and loved, and wants to use books to support people to do that. The book is meant to show children like Kiconco, that it’s never their fault that a parent is absent, and to also try to understand that grown-ups are imperfect.


A Review of this book on Readers Views

“A Chance to Love,” by Jestina Hodge-Pais, illustrated by Annabelle Zhang, is a warm, helpful children’s book with a great big message for young readers: children everywhere want and need to be heard, especially children living in single-parent homes. Meet Kiconco, who will be celebrating her 10th birthday with a party. Most of her family will be there, and she likes spending time with them, but who she really wants to spend time with is her dad, who never visits her or has contact with her. She feels lonely and unhappy because of it.

Right away you know that Kiconco’s story will resonate with young readers going through similar situations, so this book would be great for counselors, educators, and of course children and their parents who can relate. Some children don’t receive heart-to-heart conversations about why families break up, so it can be a confusing and unhappy time for them. This book can help ease the anxiety and pain a child feels when they find themselves with a single parent and missing out on the absent parent. 

Hodge-Pais has created a thoughtful self-help book for children, and possibly for parents too. Children learn a lot from books, and this one will go a long way in helping them understand that they aren’t alone, that their feelings are real, and that they have a right to feel them. Sometimes children blame themselves, so this book will help them see that they aren’t to blame and that families come in all shapes, sizes, and situations, and that everyone messes up, even parents, and things can, in some cases, get better. The author writes from personal experience, which makes this book even more meaningful and honest.

Young children and parents will connect with this story. Parental neglect, failure to co-parent, and alienation aren’t easy things to write about, but this author does it very well, and these tough subjects should be addressed. As a former social worker, I agree with the author’s approach: if a child is living a certain situation, they deserve the opportunity to have it addressed, to have the opportunity to express themselves, and to know that there are others living the same things. The illustrations are cute, endearing, and appropriate for the text. The book could make you cry and break your heart in some places, but it definitely helps you see and feel how badly children miss out on having a father around. Though sad at times to read about a child believing her dad doesn’t love her, it does have a happy ending. If you’re looking for an empathetic story that will touch the hearts of children living in single-parent homes, “A Chance to Love” by Jestina Hodge-Pais, is a book you must have and share.

Friday, November 24, 2023






   25 KEYS TO THE MIND Knowledge can be the most effective means of preventing the problems of life. Understanding how the most successful people made it through life to success helps give us a blueprint for success in an uncertain world.

   "If only I knew then, what I know now..." is the most common regret of life. It fairly screams the critical importance of knowledge. Yet our educational system has failed to provide the knowledge.

   Psychology Controls the Biology of the Brain. Adrenalin, cortisol, and neurotransmitters flood the brain repeatedly from our experiences in life. From the emotional reaction of our mind to a Hollywood horror movie, a put-down from the peer group, or positive emotions from our parents or society, the emotions embedded in our brains by others shape our anxiety and depression or our success in life.

   What is it that the best minds in psychology and the most successful people know about succeeding in life against the worst life has to offer? From Lincoln to Oprah, from Mark Twain to Elon Musk, J. B. Rowling, Einstein, Michael Jordan and more, in their own words, the lessons of life that we never learned in school.

   What creates success or failure in life? We can learn from the life experiences of others. Few understand how little it takes to set our course in life.  Most of us find a direction in life by accident, if we find one at all.

   Nobel laureate John Paul Sartre was an avid reader as a child, encouraged by his mother and grandfather. In his book “The Words” he tells how his grandfather saw that he was drifting, with no direction in life, and sat him down and told him that he had the makings of a great writer, like the writers on his grandfather’s bookshelves. But in the meantime, he had to find something to do that would give him a future, like teaching.

   Sartre said of his grandfather’s words; “It flowed into my bones. It directed my life.”  Yet most of us have little or no direction in life.  Learn from the most successful.

   Anxiety and Depression are normal reactions of the human brain.  After coming out of a long period of feeling anxious and hopeless, Lara Jefferson wrote a profound comment on the nature of anxiety and depression in her book These are My Sisters:

    “At least I have learned this, nothing is ever so bad when it is actually happening to us, as when we are dreading, fearing, anticipating it. It is the fear we build in our minds that gives a thing the power to cause us greater pain.”

   This sets the table for how we can change our own life, or use parents or the school system to change the course of life that leads to the most critical issues of our time, and change the direction of life, by understanding the stories of others who have been through problems we all face and gone on to success:

   The hypercriticism, the put-downs, the bullying, the gossip, and self-criticism, sets the mind on a path of depression, a loss of self-esteem, a lack of direction, and a feeling of hopelessness. Yet we can succeed, if we learn the stories of others who have been there and gone on to succeed. Preventive psychology can be the best way of dealing with the problems of life.

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MIND: PSYCHOLOGY--The Untold Story...


MIND: PSYCHOLOGY--The Untold Story...


    MIND is about what has been left out, what others have not told us, in our high schools, our colleges, our psychology textbooks, and our daily news. Albert Einstein, in his autobiography, spoke of the realization of how much is censored from us. This led Einstein to " orgy of freethinking"; About life, freedom, and the ideas they forced him to memorize in his physics textbooks.

    A computer is only an expensive paperweight. It has value only when programs for word processing, spreadsheets, games, etc. are fed into it. The mind is the same. The brain and the computer both have unique properties, but the key is in the learned programs.

    PSYCHOLOGY CONTROLS THE BIOLOGY OF THE BRAIN:  Adrenalin, Cortisol, and Neurotransmitters flood the brain in response to words, Hollywood horror movies, anxiety-producing thoughts, and the girls shrieking “Witch, Witch!” at the Salem witch trial... That is not in our DNA.

    QUEST FOR THE MIND CODE; how the mind is programmed by the environment.

    NEW EVIDENCE: How learning "hardwires" the brain for language, emotion, culture, sex....

    MIND CONTROL is an everyday occurrence. Psychology’s General Theory of Relativity; Kamikaze pilots, suicide bombers, celebrity, Tank Killing dogs, sex, and Sacred Cows.  

    THE SUCCESS OF GENIUS is not about the brain, it is about learning how to think. How the greatest minds in history made their discoveries, in their own words.

    COGITO, ERGO, COGITO COGITO: I think, therefore, I think, I think. The fact that we can think has created the illusion that we do think. Test yourself.  Perception determines our reality.

    WHAT THE GREATEST MINDS IN PSYCHOLOGY KNOW about how the mind works. Understanding how the mind works gives us the potential to control our own mind, just as Einstein’s understanding of the atom gave us the potential to control the atom. We are far behind in that understanding.

    MIND is not for the fainthearted, it is for those who, like Einstein, have already run slam into a reality they never knew existed, and who want to know what they were not told.

If you read each chapter to the end, I think you will see a unique insight from anything you have heard before, solely based on the evidence from psychology. Some of it may be liberating, some of it may painfully clash with what we have been told. Some of it may make you laugh at the extent of human stupidity. Let the chips fall...

Click here to get MIND: PSYCHOLOGY--The Untold Story...

on Amazon

Jessie And The Hurricane

  Jessie And The Hurricane When Miami detective Jessie Mitchell travels to New York to assist with a high-profile case, he leaves his family...