Friday, June 30, 2023

I Made It Off The Block


I Made It Off The Block

I Made It Off The Block

Little Billy Eiland grew up in the projects having never known his real father. Julie, his
mother, a white prostitute with a penchant for black men, would always change the subject when Billy asked her about his origins. Thus, Billy grew up not knowing who he was, but knowing that he was different. Billy’s siblings' fathers were all 100 percent black, but Billie had blond hair and blue eyes. Julie’s other children had the last name of Clark. Billy was the only child whose last name was Eiland. Not knowing his true identity, Billy was forced to forge a new one.

Due to Julie’s financial struggles, Billy’s family moved continually. The few male role
models that Billy had were usually Julie's pimps, or cats from the street. Julie demanded that
every child worked to financially contribute to the household. From the age of eleven, Billy was forced to work odd jobs, knowing that Julie would take every cent he made. The only money Billy was ever able to keep for himself, was the cash he stole to feed himself.

At eleven, Billy was discovered by Nina Blanchard, the top talent scout in the country.
Billy was instantly in demand as the Zodys kid, booking modeling catalogs and parts on tv
shows and movies. After realizing that Julie was going to pocket everything he made, Billy
intentionally started sabotaging auditions.

By thirteen, Billy had already become a prominent drug dealer, secretly stashing all his
drug money at home in a stuffed Donald Duck. As Billy got older, Julie got more and more
violent, stripping him and his siblings naked and beating them with phone cords. Billy ran away from home several times, and continued to support himself by selling drugs.

One day, during a deal gone wrong, Billy was forced to defend himself and accidentally
killed a man. Convicted of manslaughter, Billy was sent to prison for four years. After he got out, Billy’s friend ICE-T helped Billy get on his feet and into the music business. Utilizing the name “Big Caz” Billy soon toured with Bone Thugs N Harmony, and performed for sold out audiences all over the world. Despite his success, Billy still felt an emptiness because of unresolved issues with his past.

One day, with the help of a social worker, Billy learned that his mother had actually faked
his birth certificate. Billy’s true name was Guillermo. Accepting his true self, Billy Eiland
became Guilermo Eiland, and turned his back on his drug past. Today Guilermo is a successful entrepreneur dedicated to helping others avoid the same mistakes that he made.

The Living Weapons


The Living Weapons 

Young, dashing, and a bit too daring, twenty-one-year-old Aldwyn Bloodworth is living his dream in the kingdom of Haven, happily following in the footsteps of his beloved mentor, the legendary and pugilistic privateer known as George the Fist. Accompanied by his beautiful young wife, Sarah, Aldwyn routinely uses his ship, The Timely Pugilist, to take the fight to many of the sea’s deadly, dastardly villains, effortlessly defeating most before taking their possessions for his own. However, Aldwyn isn’t just a privateer, and his many victories weren’t earned with bare hands. Chosen by a magical, mysterious, and strangely sentient knuckleduster, he’s also an incredibly rare living weapon wielder, permanently bonded to one of an ancient civilization’s many living weapons.
Not long after meeting Mazu, a kind, loving, and desperate slave goblin, the privateering couple uncovers traces of a scheme that could potentially threaten Haven and all the world. Desperate to get to the bottom of things, Aldwyn makes it his mission to unravel the secrets of a conspiracy, ultimately leading him to the shadowy figure behind everything. But will Aldwyn prevail? Will he find out exactly what is being planned, and will he be able to stop a mastermind who’s equal to him in almost every way?

Click here to get The Living Weapons on Amazon / Kindle

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Emerging From the Dark

★★★★★ “Terence Ang has written a wonderful book. Strokes can be debilitating – or they can be dealt with in a way that allows people to continue to live happy and productive lives. He says it best: “I want to raise awareness that anyone can suffer a stroke. I also want to tell fellow victims, as well as their caregivers and loved ones, that they are not alone. There is help and there is hope.” I encourage anyone who has had a stroke, or has a loved one who has, to read this wonderful book.” – Paul Brandus – Columnist for USA Today and Dow Jones/MarketWatch, acclaimed author and an award-winning member of the White House press corps

Emerging From the Dark is an assembled collection of moving stories from people in all stages of stroke recovery. In these pages, you will find tales of unimaginable courage and determination.

Most of all, these are stories of fighters. These are people who reject the idea of being a victim. Instead, they are fighting with everything they have to return to a normal daily life, even if the new normal is different from their old normal.

This book will change the way you see people recovering from strokes!

These are positive people with positive stories. They don’t want or need pity—they just want their stories to be heard.

Order your copy today, because the odds are that one day you or someone close to you will experience a stroke and this could be the most important book you will ever read!

Amazon 4.9 28 Rating Goodreads 4.8 33 ratings

“The book features Ang’s now signature illustrations and unique portrayal to tell the stories of other stroke survivors and even some of their caregivers. This book offers insights for medical workers, stroke survivors, caregivers, and even those who have never been, or not yet been, affected by stroke.” – Goodreads reviewer Jill Rey


Real Estate Investing Genius:


Real Estate Investing Genius:

The Complete Beginner's Guide to Building Wealth and Passive Income through Real Estate Investing (Dorian Hale)

Are you interested in building wealth and creating passive income through real estate investing but don't know where to start? Then this is the book for you.

In this comprehensive guide, Dorian Hale shares his expertise and insights into the world of real estate investing.

You will learn:

The definition of real estate investing
The benefits and risks of real estate investing
Different types of real estate investments
How to understand the real estate and housing markets
How to analyze local market trends and demographics
How to develop a real estate investment strategy
Financing options for real estate investments
How to find and evaluate real estate investment opportunities Negotiating and closing real estate transactions
Managing your real estate investments
Strategies for maximizing your investment returns
Tax strategies for real estate investors
Building a diversified real estate investment portfolio

About the author: Dorian Hale is a highly regarded real estate entrepreneur with a degree in finance and real estate. He is a seasoned investor with over a decade of experience in the industry and has helped countless individuals achieve financial freedom through strategic real estate investments. Dorian's commitment to excellence and dedication to his clients has earned him a reputation as a leader in the real estate investing community. He is passionate about sharing his expertise with others and helping them achieve their goals and live their dreams.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Becoming An AI Author


Becoming An AI Author

"Becoming An AI Author: A Comprehensive Guide to Writing with Artificial Intelligence" is a transformative expedition into the world of AI-assisted writing. This comprehensive guide takes readers on a journey from the basics of good writing to the cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence, demystifying AI's role in the writing process along the way.

Whether you're a professional writer, an aspiring author, or someone curious about the fusion of technology and creativity, this book serves as your roadmap. It begins by exploring the essence of storytelling, different genres, and writing styles. From there, readers dive into the realm of AI, unraveling its history, its various types, and the role of AI language models in writing.

The book transitions into practical steps, guiding readers on setting up their AI writing environment, choosing the right AI writing tool, and mastering the art of collaborative writing with AI. It sheds light on how AI can assist in crafting book structures, developing characters and plots, and polishing the final work.

The journey doesn't end with writing; readers will also navigate the world of publishing, exploring traditional and self-publishing paths and discovering AI's role in book marketing and promotion. A thoughtful discussion on the ethical considerations and copyright issues in AI writing reinforces the importance of responsible creativity.

"Becoming An AI Author" concludes by envisioning the future of AI in writing and encouraging a spirit of continuous learning and experimentation. A new era of writing awaits with "Becoming An AI Author" - it’s the perfect companion for anyone ready to transform their writing with the power of AI. Embrace the future of writing and become an AI author today!

Click here to get Becoming An AI Author on Amazon Paperback

Click here to get Becoming An AI Author on Amazon Kindle 

Before It Happens


Before It Happens

One of those things you either believe in or don't believe in is falling in love at first sight. It's nearly impossible to think it could happen in real life because the concept is so fairytale-like. First loves are always memorable and hard to forget. Love at first sight, ending with tragedy, sometimes has a way of changing the entire trajectory of your life. It was the same for John Wulk, who met the love of his life, spent some glorious days with her, only for fate to take her away… suddenly, he didn't want to pursue his dream of becoming a practicing doctor and instead dedicate his life to finding out why people kill. His research leads him to the fifth gene –the criminal gene. Does he succumb to the darkness himself? Or does he come up with all the answers needed to catch criminals before they act?

About the Author-John A Wulkowicz (pronounced Wool co itz) and his wife Catherine adopted 8 special needs children. The book was published with the hopes of earning enough money to build a larger home.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Desperate Measures Volume 2


Desperate Measures Volume 2

Every family has something to hide.

Tensions rise both inside and outside the Klimmings family. As they deal with the dramatic events that conclude Volume 1, Peter makes necessary moves to protect his political empire. With both Klimmings children engrossed in their own conflicts, Vicki must conceal her emotions and forge forward with leading the family business. But when China becomes more hostile toward the United States, and people begin to question Gabby’s whereabouts, decisions must be made that will impact Peter’s presidency and put the ownership of Klimmings Incorporated into question.

Samuel Voyles' second book takes readers into the world of the Klimmings family once again, showing them that being rich may not be all it's hyped up to be. With the Klimmings family continuing to exhibit their corruption, readers may begin to see how power consumes and destroys the relationships around.

Entrepreneurs: Work-Life Balance through Meditation:



Work-Life Balance through Meditation:

How Meditation can help Entrepreneurs achieve a better work-life balance!

Entrepreneurship can be a demanding and stressful journey, but what if there was a way to balance the demands of work and life, while also increasing productivity and reducing stress? Introducing 'Entrepreneurs: Work-Life Balance through Meditation', a groundbreaking guide that explores the power of meditation in transforming the lives of entrepreneurs.

This book delves into the science of meditation and how it can help entrepreneurs achieve a better work-life balance. It explains how taking a few minutes out of your busy day to meditate can help to clear your mind, reduce stress, and improve focus. The author shares practical tips and techniques for integrating meditation into your daily routine, whether you are a busy executive or a startup founder.

With this book, you will learn how meditation can help you to sharpen your senses, improve your decision-making skills and boost your creativity. You will also discover how reducing stress at work can lead to a healthier home life, and how this balance can ultimately result in better work performance.

If you're an entrepreneur looking to improve your work-life balance, increase productivity, and reduce stress, then 'Entrepreneurs Work-Life Balance through Meditation' is the perfect guide for you. With this book, you will learn how to harness the power of meditation and transform your life as an entrepreneur.

Monday, June 26, 2023





If you want to say goodbye to memory loss and dementia, and embrace a healthier and sharper you, just keep reading!

The brain is such a mystifying organ—how can something so small control our perception of everything?

It dictates all bodily functions: how you talk, eat, walk, run, think, sleep, etc. It's even controlling how you are reading these words now.

The modern world came to be thanks to the wonders and miracles of the brain.

But limitless as it may seem, the brain does have some caveats, and one of them is old age.

You've seen how older people lose their minds to memory loss and cognitive impairment, and eventually to long-term dementia.

You've heard of countless stories of the elderly forgetting their closest family members, and even their own selves, reaching the point where they can no longer function on their own.

Dementia is such a common illness. According to research, one person in the world develops dementia every three seconds, and over 
78 million people will live with the condition by 2030.

But you don't have to 
be part of the statistics.

You can
 prevent memory loss and delay cognitive decline by building a better and sharper brain. And you can do that with just 5 simple changes to your lifestyle.

In this guidebook on improving brain health, you'll discover:

  • Everything about the brain, including its anatomy, functions, andthe structures of responsible for the higher faculties of the mind
  • What memory is and why it is called the mother of all wisdom
  • The four different changes in the brain as we age
  • What neurogenesis is and its function in brain health
  • How the brain breaks and the early symptoms of cognitive impairment
  • The best diet for brain health and a comprehensive list of foods to boost memory
  • Why the brain wants you to move—the benefits of exercise to cognitive health
  • What neuroplasticity is and how new experiences can make your brain happy
  • 25 destructive brain myths and the truth behind them
  • Why it is crucial to rest and relax—and useful tips to have a good night's sleep
  • The ultimate secret to a longer life and how it is related to the brain

And much more.

The brain is a powerful chunk of tissues. Taking care of it as early as now goes a long way. It could save you from various illnesses and may be your ticket to longevity.

Fortunately for you, you’re just 
a few clicks away from gaining life-changing insights on improving the brain and dodging the harsh realities of cognitive impairment.

Stop neglecting your brain health and start building a sharper brain now. Remember, age is just a number!

To Dig Up The Past


To Dig up the Past:

The Tale of Blood Water Bridge

Book 1 of the To Dig Up the Past series.
A seemingly ordinary Christmas Gift turns one man's world upside-down. Little did he know that he soon would be casted into a spirit realm and made aware of the existence of strange creatures. Now he must find lost objects to help the good spirits find the light while evading the Dark Entities.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

The Stronger Brother


The Stronger Brother

Eighteen-year-old Theodore Perkins, "Theo", is practically modern-day nobility. His bloodlines stem from those of British aristocrats. Theo’s father, Archibald, believes the Perkins family is divine, above everyone else in society. His archaic ways do not reflect the modern Canadian society they live in.

Theo and his brother Alexander, "Alè", hate everything the Perkins family stands for. Money, greed, power, and nepotism do not sit well with the new generation of Perkins. The recipe of two brothers determined to bring down their family dynasty and their father‘s determination to preserve it brews a lethal level of tension within their household.

Theo is constantly torn between forging his own life and dealing with the inherited Perkins problems. No amount of money can fix the Perkins’ problems; only Theo can.

Click here to get The Stronger Brother

The Prince of Tabor


The Prince of Tabor

(The Brotherhood of the Black Arrow Book 1)

An epic tale of young Nathaniel Aarmon, raised in obscurity by his brother in a backwater tavern. Nathaniel could never have imagined that forces of evil, led by the evil necromancer, Crepitus, would do anything to find him. When assassins come for him, Nathaniel and the man he thought was his brother go on the run, only to find out he's the lost heir to the throne of Tabor, the most powerful land in the west; and his brother, an ex-palace guard tasked with protecting the prince.
This is the story of one young man's fight for existence and struggles to regain his birthright and his kingdom, facing war and magic to survive.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Karen The Horror Story


Karen the Horror Story

Karen robots released in Michigan made by Amish teens.

Middle aged woman, typically blonde, makes solutions to others' problems and to her although she isn't even remotely affected.
Karen refuses to wear a face mask for her five minute trip to the supermarket during a pandemic. She harasses the workers, asks to see the manager and threatens to sue.

What is the name origin of Karen?
Karen originated as a Danish name, arising from the Greek word Aikaterine, which is believed to mean "pure." Kaja and Katherine are both related Danish names. In French, the name can also mean "clear," though it retains the meaning of "pure" across most other backgrounds.






Self-Therapy & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Positive Mind & Mood using Affirmations, Self-Love & Set Boundaries

Two of the most prevalent mental health conditions that people face worldwide are anxiety and depression. These can have a substantial negative impact on one's quality of life, making it challenging to carry out regular activities and enjoy life.

Anxiety and depression, because they are mental health illnesses, affect our ability to think clearly. When the symptoms worsen, the first thing we want to do is relieve them, but how? How can we think of a solution when we’re already in a severe state of depression with anxiety added to the mix? Wouldn’t it help if you had a list of solutions handy instead of having to think of them? This is one of the reasons I wrote this book, so that you have a list of 50 ways to both prevent and relieve the symptoms of anxiety and depression - if not for you, then at least you will have it handy for someone else.

Anxiety and depression, just like life’s challenges and obstacles, never come knocking, but when they arrive, you will be ready!

Friday, June 23, 2023

New Address


New Address

Adam has been struggling to make ends meet and cope with the trauma of his past. Living with his father, mother, and sister in a lower-middle class neighborhood, Adam's hatred for his cousin and uncle, the ones who have caused him so much pain, intensifies when they decide to move away. But when a new tenant, Howard, moves in, Adam is met with a conflict he never expected. As Howard interacts with Adam’s sister, Kathy, and her mother, Helen, he finds himself becoming more and more attached to them. Little do they know of the feelings that are driving Howard, and the danger it will bring to the family.
In "New Address," readers are taken on a thrilling journey as they explore the dark depths of family trauma and secrets. If you enjoyed the heart-pounding suspense of "Gone Girl" or theexploration of family dynamics in "Where the Crawdads Sing," you'll love this gripping novel.  

Click here to your copy of New Address

Check out the Special Offers of the book for June & July 2023

Having S*x with Mom: Awakening Kundalini in Skyrim, Courting Hell's Gates, and Navigating Multiverse Destiny

      Having S*x with Mom: Awakening Kundalini in Skyrim, Courting Hell's Gates, and Navigating Multiverse Destiny To explore the multiv...