Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Down With The Sickness and Other Chilling Tales


Down With The Sickness
and Other Chilling Tales 

Dive into these macabre horror stories, but be careful not to close your eyes. Evil lurks unseen. Supernatural beings keep watch and monsters lie in wait. Some plot vengeance, while others  crave human flesh. 

*Crystal idolizes rock stars and longs to be one. What would she be willing to do to make her dream come true? Lie, cheat, or steal? Would she go as far as to kill?   

*Elaiyne envies Sonora’s golden skin, blonde hair, and slender body, and goes to extremes to try and be like the other girl. But Elaiyne isn’t the only one wanting to be someone else. 

*A naga becomes karma personified when she confronts a parent.     

*Bettie struggles to breathe after Rodney blows cigarette smoke in her face. He couldn’t care less — and does worse. But The Watchers see everything, and they have something special in mind. 

*Wahasi stalks through the swamp in cocodrie — crocodile — form, infuriated at her lack of food. However, she has a plan involving the sorcerer, Kula, and the townspeople better watch out.   

*A true brat, Brad tries to hurt his sister and defies his parents, but he’s not the only bully around.

*Abner is delighted to visit Aokigahara Forest, which is rumored to be haunted, but Sharyn isn’t.   

*When a Siamese cat nears the home of a Chihuahua, the dog makes his displeasure known through piercing yaps. However, something startles him.       

*Shane dares Angeline to spend the night in The Devil’s Hand, and if she succeeds, she’ll get to borrow  his fancy Dodge Charger. The site is rumored to be haunted or cursed, but she knows that’s hooey. 

*Tricia is prideful about her looks, loves bullying, and makes a younger girl feel worthless. But she has a surprise visitor — Ria, also known as Justice.   

*Life post-COVID has been anything but happy. Deaths skyrocketed. Nuclear bombs hit. Food dwindled. Cole, Vera, and Marianne survived, but they have little left to eat. Rovers are out and about, and must be avoided at all costs.    

*Dean likes pushing people around. When he damages his grandfather, Charlie’s, Venus Fly Traps, Charlie isn’t the only one who’s upset. 

Gabriella Balcom’s book includes the above stories and more. Some of her works have been described as masterpieces in the horror genre. They will alternately horrify you, touch your heart, make you shiver, and have you on the edge of your seat. 

Reader comments about some of her creations include:  

“… this is a thrilling ride …”

“Best plot twist …”

“… great job putting unique twists … highly recommended …”

“Wow, just freaking wow!” 

“I was deeply disturbed … loved every minute …! Bravo!”

“Heartbreaking and devastating.” 

“Holy shit … that was so creepy. I loved it!” 

“I want more, more, more, more, dang it!” 

“I got chills reading this story.” 

“Exciting and horrific.” 

“Multifacetedly disturbing. Very well written.” 

Click here to get

Down With The Sickness and Other Chilling Tales

on Amazon 


Author Bio

Gabriella Balcom lives in Texas with her family, works full-time in the mental health field, and has loved reading and writing her entire life. She writes fantasy, horror, sci-fi, romance, literary fiction, children's stories, and more, and loves great stories, forests, mountains, and back roads. She has a weakness for lasagna, garlic bread, tacos, cheese, and chocolate, but not necessarily in that order, and adores Chinese, Italian, and Mexican food. Gabriella has had 350 works accepted for publication, and won the right to have a novel published by Clarendon House Publications when one of her short stories was voted best in the anthology in which it appeared. Her book, On the Wings of Ideas, came out afterward. She was nominated for the Washington Science Fiction Association’s Small Press Award, and won second place in JayZoMon/Dark Myth Company’s 2020 Open Contract Challenge (a competition in which around one hundred authors competed for cash prizes and publishing contracts). Gabriella's novelette, Worth Waiting For, was then released. She self-published a novelette, Free’s Tale: No Home at Christmas-time, and Black Hare Press published her sci-fi novella, The Return, in 2021. Five other novellas pend publication. 

You are invited to visit her Facebook author page:

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Personal Finance For Teens And College Students

Personal Finance

For Teens And College Students:

101 Money Secrets You Wish You Learned In High School

Develop a healthy relationship with money as you prepare for adulthood.

Financial freedom is everybody’s end goal. But unfortunately, not everyone gets to achieve it because of the wrong information, wrong habits, or both.

Whether you’re born into poverty, or with a silver spoon, financial independence is within your reach if you practice the right money habits.

And there’s no better time than NOW to start equipping yourself with practical financial strategies.

Fortunately, you have the perfect mentor slash coach in book form to help you confidently transition to adulthood and create the life you want.

Inside this not-so-conventional but extremely helpful guide, specifically designed for teens and college students, you’ll discover:

- 101 financial lessons to wake you up to reality – the real world is harsh, but there are resources every young adult must know about

- The fundamentals of the money game and how to avoid the common traps – win the game by arming yourself with valuable knowledge

- The three villains working hard (and often together) to bring your money down – discover practical financial strategies to defeat each one of them

- The ancient and powerful practice of saving, and why merely saving is not enough – money lessons from over a thousand years ago are still applicable today

- The Do’s and Don’ts of working with financial professionals – failure to do it properly can lead to enormous wastes of money and time

- How to manage and work on student and personal loans – discover two effective methods to become debt-free ASAP

- Beating the “invisible enemy” – discover anti-inflation techniques by copying what the world's largest businesses do

- Explore why typical “financial education” is a scam and will not teach you financial literacy – former professional reveals the inside truth…

- And much more!

No matter how much you think you already know about personal finance, there’s always something more to discover.

Ease into Adulthood with Knowledge to Win the Money Game! -- Get the Book Today!


Monday, November 28, 2022

The Wisdom of Andrew Tate: What to Take and What to Leave from the King of Toxic Masculinity


The Wisdom of Andrew Tate:

What to Take and What to Leave

from the King of Toxic Masculinity

In just a few short months, Internet personality Andrew Tate has become one of the most famous people on the planet. His uncompromising philosophy about life, women and success has made him an instant icon to millions of struggling young men. At the same time, his abrasive style and unapologetic misogyny is quickly making him a hate figure for mainstream media and certainly for the feminist constituency within it. In this concise but thoughtful and well-researched book, writer Dorset Matthews dissects the philosophy of Andrew Tate - the good, the bad and the downright dangerous.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Life of an Alaskan Log Builder


Who says money doesn’t grow on trees?

An engaging memoir of Alaskan log builder, Gregory Anderson, owner of Alaska Log Structures. Set in the back drops of rural Minnesota and the wilds of Alaska, Greg gives you a peek into the life experiences that led him to choose and continue a career in log building. However, inside you will find more than a picture-filled story. This book also contains a compreh

Desperate Measures Volume 1

Desperate Measures Volume 1

Some people will do anything for power.

The Klimmings family has built an empire in both the political and business worlds. As the United States faces a crushing recession, Peter Klimmings struggles to find a balance between running the country and guiding his family, who are not without problems of their own. When his son’s marriage is pushed to the brink, Peter is faced with no choice but to take drastic actions that will affect everybody around. While the country and the rest of the world watch, the Klimmings family faces outside forces that aim to put the family dynasty at risk of collapse.

The debut novel by Samuel Voyles follows the Klimmings family and their family dealings, allowing the reader to escape reality and immerse themselves in the dysfunction of one of America's most powerful families.


Saturday, November 26, 2022

A Partnership for Christmas


A Partnership for Christmas

 For Hannah Spencer, being offered a partnership at her law firm is the best Christmas present she could ever ask for. She had been working hard to pave that path for as long as she could remember. But soon, she will realize that there is a wrench in her plans—a tall, handsome, charming one. At first, she is disgruntled by the man who has seemingly been sent to personally ruin her Christmas. However, that disgruntlement soon becomes intrigue and perhaps something more as they are tasked to work together. She has to decide if he is a problem standing in her way or if that one problem is the new path she should take. If she opens herself up to different possibilities, she might realize that they are, in fact, the perfect partnership.

Something the world needs right now is sweet, simple, and love. When you take that and wrap it up in the spirit of the holidays, you get a charming page turner that will leave you with a smile on your face.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Silent Rose

Using Kindness to Beat the Bullies

Here we meet Rose, a young girl who is deaf. We discover who she is by her narrative descriptions. Rose uses sign language to communicate with others but some of the kids give her a hard time about it. Her best friend and sidekick, Daisy Mae, seems to always help her. Together they must come up with a plan to destroy the bullies from the library. Will they become bullies too and fight back or will they think of another way to get revenge? We see that Rose and Daisy display a lot of courage and stand up for themselves toward the bullies in an unexpected way. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Time Agents Search For The Leon Key


Time traveler Jon Howe must keep his timeline stable or watch his world collapse.

Jon Howe: Born in the 25th century. 

Training: Time-traveling agent for timeline stability.  

Lone wolf Jon Howe accepts his next mission—he must stop an invasion of super-strong, humanoid beings from a parallel universe. To do so, he must travel back to 1939 Casablanca, uncover strange, unexplained timeline events, and find the Leon Key, which allows travel to that parallel universe. 

While back in time, his heart takes on another task; to win the love of a strange, exotic woman who seems to hate him at first glance but evokes extreme emotions in him. 

The beautiful, Shoshanna, isn’t what she seems. 

Will Jon get the key and save the world from super-strong beings, or be defeated by an unhinged maniac hellbent on vengeance and destruction, which also happens to be in love with the lovely Shoshanna?

Click here to get The Time Agents Search for the Leon Key



Wednesday, November 23, 2022

RENEW HEALTH: Taking Control of Your Temple

RENEW HEALTH: Taking Control of Your Temple

Learn to heal your body and lose healthy weight naturally to improve your spiritual, mental and physical well-being. Health is Wealth and Fruit is Health!

Are you looking to get healthy? Are you struggling with controlling your Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Heart Disease, Thyroid Disease, Obesity, Mental clarity and cognition, and a host of other chronic health conditions? Do you feel like you have tried everything to take control of your health and weight but nothing you have tried has worked? Do you know that you can take control of your health, prevent or stabilize chronic health conditions and come off chronic medications?

In addition, there are a subset of people who do not realize or have not yet been diagnosed with any diseases they may be aware of, however, by following this program, it will help decrease the risk of being diagnosed with a chronic disease. Subsequently, you lose weight in a healthy and sustainable manner while enjoying wholesome foods. The program improves quality of sleep, improves gut health, helps balance hormonal disequilibrium and decreases inflammation and pain and much more.

In this book, Renew Health, Taking Control of Your TempleDr. Jacqueline Owusu shares practical, tested and proven principles and strategies in using natural foods and herbs to heal and regenerate the body to gain vitality and wellness. Commit to make a positive change that will impact the rest of your life.

Renew Health: Taking Control of Your Temple


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tales from the Jessica Files


Tales from the Jessica Files:

After all, this is a love story

Jessica and I live in a world that The Department of Rules and Contracts controls, but it is not required to be under their purview. Most people who seek entry into this lifestyle are denied based on the testing criteria put forth by the DORCs. Many requirements are placed upon applicants.

The essential part of living this lifestyle is the consequences of violating the rules and even bigger ones for lying about them. The DORCs are not very forgiving and have been known to punish the $%^& out of people for violating their contracts with the DORCs, not just with their partners. Lots of lawsuits there too.

By punished, I mean that the DORCs would first perform a standard audit of both parties, requiring supporting documentation for any activities during that contract’s life. The DORCs would drag people through the court system and sue them for breach of contract if the audit was not to their liking. And it never was. You could never win.

It is ugly, painful, and completely unnecessary.

The best and saddest part is that the DORCs won nearly all cases because the contract was very explicit about the rules and regulations, roles, and expectations. If you violated them, you’d be subpoenaed and then dragged through the court system, which was always incredibly painful, especially in a smaller community like that under the DORCs.

The contracts had many ins and outs, but the most important thing when dealing with the DORCs was being absolutely transparent and infinitely honest. There was no reason to get into trouble unless you were a troublemaker. And some were, and you would hear about them, but their time would come.

Jessica and I took our relationship exceptionally seriously and did everything we could to follow the rules.
Given that we had to file weekly status reports with the DORCs, knowing that we would get audited if things were out of sorts, we lived by the contract.

And the vast majority of people under contract did so as well. It was paramount. As I mentioned before, you could never win. You could not succeed in this lifestyle if you didn’t follow the rules set forth by the DORCs, let alone follow the rules set aside for you and your partner.

There are many different setups, but it always came down to two people who identified however they wanted; the DORCs didn’t give a $%^& about that, a Dom and sub (or D/s). We knew of subsections of this where the two people in the contract would “switch” from Dom and sub as they saw fit. And the DORCs didn’t care.

They just wanted everyone to follow the same set of rules. And that even was true for people who contracted as Dom/slave. I understood that, but I didn’t get it.

One of the contractual agreements between two parties is made between a third party, the DORCs. The D/s were bound to one another, but both were bound to the DORCs. You didn’t have to uphold yourself to your partner, but you sure as $%^& best to the DORCs if you wanted to succeed.

Taken from P14 - The Rules

Click here to get Tales from the Jessica Files

on Amazon / Kindle 

The Forbidden Love Affair


The Forbidden Love Affair

Zarayah Mello knows the love she dreams of is doomed from the start… 
But the heart wants what the heart wants.

Thirteen-year-old Zarayah Mello knew she loved fellow karate class student Zaire from the moment she laid eyes on him. She also knew that her parents, siblings, and even her beliefs would never accept her love for him.

But after she turns fifteen, they cross paths more and more and form a friendship, her improper love for him only grows.

Torn apart by life and circumstance, she’s brokenhearted. Until she turns eighteen and he comes back into her life, sweeps her off her feet, and makes secret plans to propose to her on graduation day. But Zarayah doesn’t know that Zaire is hiding a secret from her—the kind of secret that rips solid marriages apart, never mind their budding love. Besides, will anyone forgive her for falling for her older brothers’ friend? And will she still love him when she learns the truth he’s been hiding from her?

Monday, November 21, 2022

A Practical DBT Workbook for Radically Eliminating Neurodivergent Disorders


A Practical DBT Workbook for Radically Eliminating Neurodivergent Disorders:

How to Help You Confront Your Social Anxiety Triggers and Improve Your Interpersonal Effectiveness and Social Skills


How to feel accepted without compromising who you are.

Do you find it difficult to communicate with “normal” people?

Tired of always masking and pretending to be a neurotypical person around others?

Wish you could just express how you feel without being judged?

If you’re a neurodivergent person who struggles with regulating your emotions, you’re not alone.

According to a 2020 study published in American and British Medical journals, as much as 20% of the world’s population has some form of neurodivergence.

This means millions of others understand what it’s like to spend years working and living in places with people who make you feel like you don’t belong.

It’s not just the embarrassment that comes with missing social cues.

Or how random sounds can leave you on the brink of a meltdown.

Or even how difficult it is to regulate your emotions in stressful situations.

It’s realizing that no matter how hard you try to fit in… no matter how much you change yourself just to be accepted by the people around you… you still feel like an outsider.

Because underneath that carefully crafted mask and all the countless hours you spent obsessing over how to get others to like you…

… There’s still the real you. So familiar but never acknowledged.

And just as seemingly invisible as your mental illness that nobody seems to take seriously.

But it doesn’t have to stay that way.

Because with this DBT skills workbook, you’ll find dozens of tools and techniques to give you the emotional support you’ve been looking for.

So you can finally stop accommodating others and start being okay with being you.

In this book, you will discover:
  • The 4 core dialectical behavior therapy skills and how they can benefit people with neurodivergent conditions (ADHD , Autistic, Dyslexia , Dyspraxia, and Tourette Syndrome, etc.. ) 
  • 7 exercises and worksheets to boost your assertiveness so you have the courage to go after what you want without causing conflict
  • 113 Highly effective activities (Self-help Worksheets) such as DEAR MAN, GIVE, THINK, FAST, IMPROVESTOP, and TIPP and much more to reclaim your life 
  • How training your mind-body connection can help you uncover and get rid of deep-seated negative emotions you’ve forgotten about
  • 15 techniques and activities to help improve your sensory needs and crisis survival skills 
  • 5 ways to practice “one-mindfulness” throughout your day-to-day life
  • 27 easy-to-follow methods for stopping negative feelings in their tracks and building rock-solid emotional strength
  • 9 strategies for developing glowing confidence and pride in yourself
  • Step-by-step 30-60-90-120-day plan to improve your social skills and reclaim your life

And much more!

This workbook is specifically written for neurodiverse people… Those who hoped their disabilities would go away, but they never did.

For the people who are constantly misunderstood and feel like they have to hide who they are for fear of being judged and rejected. It’s for the people who feel like they’ll never fit in.

Because regardless of how different you feel, that shouldn’t stop you from sharing your uniqueness with the world.

If you’re ready to stop masking your inner self and start feeling comfortable in your own skin, then scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button right now.

Having S*x with Mom: Awakening Kundalini in Skyrim, Courting Hell's Gates, and Navigating Multiverse Destiny

      Having S*x with Mom: Awakening Kundalini in Skyrim, Courting Hell's Gates, and Navigating Multiverse Destiny To explore the multiv...