Sunday, July 31, 2022

Occam's Blade


Occam's Blade

A boy is transported into a different time, creating a temporal rift. The search for his own identity becomes an adventure of sinister proportions. Seinen manga (young adult) about time travel, alternative and virtual realities, the search for identity and the role of the human being alongside technology. This manga is translated into Portuguese, English and Japanese.

Charlie's Story


Charlie’s Story: First Contact 

Fourteen-year-old Samantha spends her days exploring the shallow reef behind her island home. With her world locked in a battle against rising seas, scientists deploy genetically modified corals to rebuild reefs and protect the coastline. No one expects the reefs to be a hotbed of evolution, but they are.

When an octopus flows off a rock in her lagoon, Samantha is startled. When he purposefully arranges pieces of coral on the sand, trying to communicate, she is shocked. How she responds may determine the fate of life on Earth.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Penniless Sitar Player



This is the Los Angeles version of Eat, Pray, Love. Amy had a 9-5 job, the matching 401k, a home, and then it all vanished in 2008. The economy crashed and she got laid off. Amy did what any nonsensical person would do, she packed her bags and moved across the country to California alone, to embark on a journey no one could have ever prepared her for. At first, she tried to go backwards into what was comfortable; a corporate job, but instead she got sick.

Her healing journey became a gateway toward a sea of penniless artists, breaking her out of a conservative mold, leading her down a path of self-discovery in a tiny L.A. studio apartment. Penniless & broke, she became intrigued with the penniless sitar players, stepping into the “uncomfortable”. She joined what she called the LA underground and became privy to a world that no one ever writes or talks about – it is the land of the artists. Each sitar player she met was a new world waiting to be explored.

From The Penniless Sitar Player:

“We’ve all known them before, the broken birds, or shall I say, broke birds. Most women steer clear of them, having enough common sense to know these are the men you have fun with before you meet “the one”, but no, not me, they are the ones I choose…

“I love them all — the writers, the musicians, and the artists. I love to love…tapping into a piece of their soul, a look into their eyes, their free-spirited lifestyle I once feared, I am now intrigued by.”

“You inspire me, broke bird, you change me, rattling my cage — forever changing a perspective on life I once held firm. Before I met you, I stood in a box, but now I want to fly free and see how far I can take this life of mine.”

- Amy Passantino

Friday, July 29, 2022

BASH: Love, Madness, and Murder


While investigating a murder, illegal drugs, and corruption at the Blakemore Anderson State Hospital (BASH) for the criminally insane, Ash Roper, Charleston undercover reporter, checks in as a patient. Due to unforeseen circumstances, he gets trapped, mistaken for a real patient. His headstrong wife, Sally J, enlists the aid of her former lover Roswell, now a high powered attorney, to help spring her husband. The romantic, bureaucratic, and legal sparks fly as a powerful hurricane heads in their direction.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

The Tears of Blood


The Tears of Blood 

This book is a techno thriller, aimed at women who know themselves, and men who respect that trait in women.

It will challenge the reader who will be torn between sympathy and anger with the heroines, as they plunge the world into a very uncomfortable situation. Section Five of Interpol was created to hunt the worst of the worst, and has a well-earned reputation for solving difficult cases and taking no prisoners. The story moves all over the planet, as then women of Section Five try to find and stop the refugee women turned terrorists, with their agenda of reducing the globe to its basic, primary nature, and force the migration of refugee children.

Click here to get The Tears of Blood on Dorrance Publishing  Co. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Meow Meow and the Lost Doggy


Meow Meow & The Lost Doggy

Meow Meow is a special kitty with super strength and the power to fly.

But her real super power is she loves helping out other animals.

In this story, Meow Meow finds a scared, little doggy lost in the woods. How did he wind up there? Where did he come from? It's up to Meow Meow to help him find his way back home.


  • This is a heartwarming and colorful tale for kids of all ages, especially ages 5-10.
  • It shows persistence, responsibility and learning how to take better care of pets.
  • Perfect for bedtime stories and more
  • Ideal gift for your child, grandchild, niece, nephew and of course, animal fans

Meow Meow's mission is to help as many animals as she can and show us the ways we can respect and treat them better.

Click here to get Meow Meow & The Lost Doggy on Amazon Kindle

Click here to get Meow Meow & The Lost Doggy on Barnes & Noble


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Archon Hunter


The Archon Hunter:

A Short Story Introduction to the Secret War

Happening All Around U

The inner voices that torment you don't come from inside your head. They are the Archons--demonic beings that live off the despair and pain that their tormenting whispers cause in your heart, mind, and soul.

Jakob Rezek has dedicated his life to destroying the Archons. His path is a lonely one, but he bears it without complaint. He will not rest until every human being is free of the Archons' manipulation.

He is the Archon Hunter.

Grit City Requiem 1: The Hunter Arrives in Tacoma

Part 2 of the Archon Hunter Series 

Another Great Adventure from this Character

Monday, July 25, 2022

Frankenstein 2035


Frankenstein 2035: An Arctic Horror

It's 2035. Beta, a young Austrian scientist, seeks a cure for her only remaining family member, her disabled brother. She understands she his only hope. After being handed an old recipe for creating life, she accepts an invitation from a mysterious group to join other researchers at an arctic station in Nunavut, Canada. Meanwhile, in that same location, divers pull something, preserved by the almost freezing water, from a wreck which has lain at the bottom of the arctic ocean for more than 200 years.

At the station, the team reveal their specialties and find themselves connected in an experiment to restore the spirit of a man who has been dead for two centuries. The experiment soon spins out of control and a horrific sequence of events and personal discoveries erupt within the isolated research station. There is no escape amidst the fury of a freezing arctic storm.

How are the recent discovered elements of quantum-mechanics, geo-magnetic fields, fractal patterns and dark matter connected to galvanism and the human spirit? What are the motives of each of the team? Who is the organization? What links Beta to this mysterious group? Can anyone escape the fury of the arctic and its ancient spirits?

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Intermittent Fasting Formula Done Right for Anyone Over 40


Intermittent Fasting Formula Done Right for Anyone Over 40:

Accept Fasting, reject Feasting. Build a stronger mind Body Connection, obtain through Sheer willpower

Are you considering adopting intermittent fasting to lose weight fast and easily, boost your metabolism, reduce the chances of suffering from different lifestyle illnesses, and much more but are a bit hesitant because you feel that age is not on your side as someone over 40?

And are you looking for a blueprint that will take away the guesswork from the whole process of adopting intermittent fasting as someone over 40 years, so you don’t make potentially costly mistakes that make it harder than it ought to be?
If you've answered YES,

This book will introduce you to the world of intermittent fasting and show you how to make it work its magic on your body and health at your age!

It is indeed true that intermittent fasting has the power to enhance your heart health, lower your cholesterol levels, lower your systolic blood pressure, initiate cellular repair, help enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy and prevent cancer, increase human growth hormone, help you optimize your insulin response, improve bone health, boost sleep patterns and much more! All these are common issues among people over 40!

But as you well know, your body is not the same as it was in your 20s and 30s – are you going to follow the same approach that 20 and 30-year-olds are following? Certainly not, unless you want to increase the odds of having unintended negative consequences!

So how exactly do you adopt intermittent fasting as someone over 40?

Are there people who shouldn’t follow intermittent fasting at all?

Where do you begin - how do you transition from where you are to actually following intermittent fasting consistently?

How do you deal with any challenges that may arise?

What about diet and exercise – how do you use them to enhance the effectiveness of your fasts?

These and many more questions have been answered extensively in this guide, so keep reading to understand exactly how to unlock the full power of intermittent fasting to start your journey to a healthy and happy life!

From it, you will learn:

  • The basics of intermittent fasting, including what it is, how it works, the stages through which the body goes through during fasting and the different methods of fasting
  • Who should not fast
  • How to get started with intermittent fasting, including powerful tips that will help you get started
  • Food choices during intermittent fasting- what to and what not to eat
  • The effects and benefits of intermittent fasting
  • The common side effects of fasting and how to deal with them
  • How to prepare yourself in every single way to ensure you start well and set yourself up for success
  • How to combine the keto diet and intermittent fasting for fast results
  • What to expect regarding your mental and body state after fasting
  • And much more!
Even if you've been trying other solutions that didn't seem to work, and you probably are on the verge of giving up, this book will help you realize how and why intermittent fasting is the best yet simple lifestyle you've been looking for!

Please enjoy one free audio review copy of Intermittent Fasting Formula Done Right for Anyone Over 40: Accept Fasting, reject Feasting. Build a stronger mind Body Connection, obtain through Sheer willpower, is now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at











Codes are first come first Serve when they are gone they are gone.


Saturday, July 23, 2022

unSpiritual - A Spiritual Journey


unSpiritual: A Spiritual Journey:

Childhood Trauma, Spiritual Delusion, The Search for Enlightenment & The Awakening of Kundalini

For some of us, there is a built-in, born-with affliction, to seek and find the answers to our existence. It is not by choice, it is a gnawing, a knowing—a sacred sickness. It is a feeling so deep, that it vibrates in the cells and boils in the blood. It is an intensity so unrelenting in its drive, so constant, determined, unwavering and focused, that even sleep is not safe from its scrutiny. And when it is hidden, it is simply waiting for the next attack upon its prey of falsehood.

The story begins with Christopher staring at a shotgun considering ending his life at the age of 18. He has a born-again experience and becomes a missionary in Haiti. After escaping a Christian cult, he leaves Christianity and travels through the landscape of spirituality for 25 years. Enchanted by the song "Stairway to Heaven", he follows the inner muse into a mysterious realm that transforms his life. He chronicles a powerful human metamorphosis over a 5-week period and details how the body purges itself of psycho-emotional complexes and unleashes its spiraling power inside. This experience changes his name to Zzenn, leading him to discover a style of music he calls ZzennSong. Magick, healing and humor weave a tale of riveting intensity and synchronicity, sprinkled with keys of insight, through the life of a modern seeker and mystic. It is a harrowing narrative for any story lover, spiritual seeker, musical artist, survivor of childhood trauma and Bipolar.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Miseducation of Acculturation:


Miseducation of Acculturation:

A coming of age story told through the colorful lens of a little girl who leaves Cali. Colombia for life in the Big Apple

Miseducation of Acculturation is a coming of age story told through the colorful lens of a little girl who leaves Cali, Colombia for life in the Big Apple.

This lighthearted and whimsical memoir gives insight on how the acculturation process impacted her life. The book gracefully depicts a childhood filled with joy, pain, loss, separation and takes the reader on a time capsule journey into becoming.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Blackshade Machine


The Blackshade Machine:

Book 1: Original Design

5/5 Stars on Reader's Favorite - "Overall, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend The Blackshade Machine to readers who adore superbly crafted plots with interesting twists and realistically-penned alien fiction that sounds intimidatingly believable."

5/5 Stars on BookView Review - "With Blackshade and his team’s resolve in the face of destruction, this science fiction tale becomes too real to take lightly."

5/5 Stars on The Prairies Book Review - "The characters, particularly Blackshade & Zahera, come alive in readers’ minds as they strategize their way out of one precarious situation after another while struggling with their inner demons."

It is October 22, 2072. America, Canada, and Mexico no longer exist. Canada and America have combined to form a new nation called Candaerica, which has taken over Mexico. William Herbert Blackshade is a Colonel in the Candaerican Army Air Corp and is chosen by his country’s leaders to be the on-scene Commander when aliens land in Roswell, New Mexico. Upon making contact, the aliens (Who refer to themselves as Omegas) make some startling claims about humanity, why we are on Earth, where we come from, and why we were brought into being. As Colonel Blackshade’s relationship with the aliens matures, he discovers many new truths about the Universe, the Earth, Humanity, and the aliens themselves. He also has to decide if the aliens are trustworthy or if they have an ulterior motive for making contact with humans. Colonel Blackshade deals with the repercussions of the alien’s arrival, on both the alien’s side, and humanity’s. As the aliens offer us new information about our origins, some of humanity rejoices at the knowledge, and some reject it. If Colonel Blackshade cannot figure out how to bridge the gap between human and Omega, the extinction of man-kind is a very real possibility.

The Paradox of Trust


The Paradox of Trust:

Why Keeping Your Word is Risky, Maybe Not

No trust, no relationship. Find out why trust is so important in life and how you can trust people without being played. 

Are you having some trust issues in your relationship lately?

Do you keep wondering if he’s just not in the mood for talking… or if he’s deliberately keeping something from you?

Are your constant suspicions and anxieties about your relationship driving your partner away?

If you’ve reached a point where these questions are screaming for attention and you can’t ignore them anymore, then it’s time to get the answers.

Trusting someone is always a leap of faith. You never know if someone can be trusted until they show you their true selves.

For any relationship to work, trust must always be its foundation. 

But it’s easier said than done.

Trusting someone means being vulnerable enough to open yourself up to them and allowing them access to you that

And if someone has broken your trust in the past, it can be hard to trust anyone else again.

But living a life without trust will not only be a burden on you, it will also affect the quality of your relationships.

If you’re always doubting what they say, questioning their whereabouts, or sneakily swiping through their phone, this is a recipe for mental stress and regular conflicts.

The good news is that this doesn’t have to be the case. You can get over your trust issues and learn to build trust in your relationships.

And, luckily for you, this guidebook will give you the tools to achieve that!

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • A quick insight into the mechanics of trust – how trust is built and why it is important
  • Surprising reasons that trigger trust issues in people… and how to unlatch from them for a better future
  • The essential ingredients of a strong relationship (and how you can nurture these qualities in your own relationships)
  • How your childhood traumas can explain the reasons behind your present trust issues
  • The telltale signs that your partner may be cheating on you
  • Why it is so hard to rebuild your trust after a betrayal – and how you can overcome it to start afresh 
  • A bulletproof plan on how to let go of the past and move on

And so much more!

If someone has shown you that they’re not to be trusted, there’s no reason to keep blindly trusting them…but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t trust everyone.

Relationships with trust are the only relationships worth having. Don’t let your trust issues get in the way of having meaningful relationships.

Regain your peace of mind and enjoy your relationships by learning how to trust again.

Click here to get The Paradox of Trust in Paperback 


Click here to get The Paradox of Trust on Kindle 

Jessie And The Hurricane

  Jessie And The Hurricane When Miami detective Jessie Mitchell travels to New York to assist with a high-profile case, he leaves his family...