Thursday, September 30, 2021

Werewolf: The True Story of an Extraordinary Police Dog


WEREWOLF: The True Story of an Extraordinary Police Dog is the raw, first-hand account of the life of a police K9 named “Brag” and his cop partner. When they first meet, Brag shows no interest in human attachment and his handler is wary of caring too much for a dog whose life he must risk every night. But as the dangerous manhunts push both to their mental and physical limits, the two develop an unbreakable bond that blurs the line between human and canine.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Milkshake Diet


The Milkshake Diet :

Science-Backed Secrets to Steady

Weight Loss for Beginners

Track time, not calories! Achieve and maintain weight loss exclusively eating your favorite foods while avoiding metabolic slowdown and muscular degeneration from fasting. Create daily caloric deficits via your own metabolic management. Weight loss is about brain power, not will power!

Stop throwing out your pasta with the pasta water! Are you addicted to eating rich food, or do you find it challenging to stop your runaway weight gain? I was until I turned the monkey on my back into an accountant by my side.

Reap the benefits of Keto in a cup! Learn how to significantly lower your glucose levels before your largest, carbohydrate-rich meals.

-Eat your favorite food

-Tame your food addictions

-Lose weight at will

-No fasting or exercise required

-Weight loss by portion attrition 

A psychological how-to guide to habituating immediate weight-loss, and to achieving long term weight maintenance.

The Milkshake Diet saved me tens of thousands dollars and millions of calories over the past five years alone! I know it can save you tremendous amounts of time and money, too.

The Milkshake Diet is your groundbreaking, scratch-made-cure to end mechanical eating from the comfort of your own kitchen, and one that lowers the heat coming out of every other kitchen, too. Once and for all!

Good luck, and Bon Appetit!

Click here to get The Milkshake Diet on Amazon / Kindle 


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The New Parent's Guide to Baby Sleep Training


The New Parent's Guide to Baby Sleep Training:

Learn the Simple Seven-Day System for Ending the Sleepless Nights

The secret to saying goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to a full night's rest…

With a new baby comes all of the joys of parenthood -- first words, first smiles, first moments of laughter. 

But it also comes with long, sleep-deprived nights, tears and fussing, and the struggle of trying to decode your baby's cries.

Raising a baby can feel like an endless rollercoaster of trial and error as you attempt to navigate novel experiences and developmental milestones that can be both thrilling and stress-inducing at the same time.

Many parents dread bedtime because they resign themselves to an inevitable wake-up call after only a few hours of sleep, thinking that this experience is unavoidable.

However, the secret to building positive sleep habits and encouraging your baby to settle back to sleep independently is much simpler than you've been led to believe.

There's no need for fancy courses or months of drawn out sleep training that leaves you and your partner desperate for a single night of rest. 

In fact, you can start seeing differences in just 7 days with a consistent and patient approach.

Natalie Baker knows firsthand just how much of a struggle those early months can be. As a mother of three, she's experienced it all -- colicky babies, sleep regressions, you name it.

Drawing on the latest research, as well as tried and true strategies from parents who have been in your shoes, she lays out the guidelines for an easy transition from sporadic naps to consistently sleeping through the night. 

In A New Parent’s Guide to Baby Sleep Training, you will discover:

  • Tips and tricks for creating a bedroom environment that encourages positive sleep-wake cycles that works in tandem with your baby's natural rest stages 
  • The appropriate timeline for when to start sleep training, and the developmental periods that should be avoided 
  • Common mistakes that parents make when teaching their baby to self-soothe 
  • How to recognize when your baby is ready to sleep based on the unique behaviors shown at different ages 
  • The important distinction between the "cry it out" method and gradual extinction approaches, and why understanding the difference can change your entire sleep experience 
  • What sleep associations are, and how to identify if your child is developing positive or negative rest habits

And much more.

With something as important as sleep, you want to make sure that you're taking the right approach to instill positive habits in your baby.

Take the guesswork out of the equation and learn the step-by-step method that will transform your nightly experience, without dragging out the process for weeks and weeks.

What's most important is that you practice patience, not just with your baby but with yourself. Remember that you're doing the best you can, and eventually things will fall into place.

Click here to get 

The New Parent's Guide to Baby Sleep Training

on Amazon / Kindle 

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Adventures of Boppity Bunny


My book is inspired by the love of animals, of course yes bunnies to which I adore this is about my fifth dutch bunny I rescued from a bunny mill , at almost six weeks old. So I' called he Boppity she weighed less then a pound when I got her, . So this inspired me to write about a dutch bunny that was adopted by a loving family. little did they realize, how much fun and laughter the dutch bunny had made their lives so much fun and happier, The drawings ae done by Ross Webb. Beautiul chid from babies love the book grade school yes n high school. The eldest I know of is a lady that was 89 she loved the book and read it to her high rise apartment friends. This book is also in a few children's hospitals as a gift for children to read when their staying their. The book is basically for all ages all that love bunny.'s This is a series and will be planning the next book in 2021. This book was yes self published of September 3 2020. The Adventures of Boppity Bunny who yes she has her own Facebook sight to. The paintings alone are beautiful the book is a treasure for any child that loves bunny. Hope you will enjoy much love bunny Hugs Boppity n Konnie.


Sunday, September 26, 2021


Possessing a wide range of interdisciplinary knowledge, Hares Youssef presents his philosophical, scientific, and economic ideas in the form of a fascinating fiction novel, on the pages of which the reader will meet both Nikola Tesla and Joseph Stalin, and the mighty figures of these days that make history today, he will recognize the fact that the Earth has a twin planet and all things in the Universe exist in pairs, about the role of language in the process of human self-knowledge, about the three stages of the development of civilization, about architecture becoming philosophy, about the lunar generation and mysterious Paideums which may come in the nightdreams to the sage Plato.

GAIIA predicts the behavior of a world ready for radical change. Predicting means revealing aspects of reality that tomorrow will mark the beginning of historical events.

Hares Youssef’s ideas have transformational potential, as they are aimed at making significant changes in all areas of human life. He has his own view on economics, ecology, psychology, society, art, time, the problem of consciousness, new technologies, human relationships… Every thought expressed by him is always inextricably linked with action and, moreover, with projects to change the financial system, educational model, scientific picture of the world, value system, attitude to language, etc. He gives you the assurance of being a person who knows exactly what needs to be done with this world. Hares has a unique ability to recognise the global challenges and problems of this century, to view them through the prism of philosophy (as “the Art of Thinking”), and to find a way to solve them. This philosopher, poet, artist, writer and teacher has come to write a new page in the history of humanity.

In the book Gaiia, Hares has outlined the contours of the world he plans to create. In this rather short book, fundamental ideas are expressed, each of which has the goal of being implemented. Moreover, every idea is a challenge. A challenge to the modern system of values, a challenge to the shadow financial model and its architects, a challenge to the approach to raising children, a challenge to the attitude to women in society, a challenge to science, a challenge to civilisation. These challenges can pull the ground from under your feet, call into question everything that yesterday seemed to you indisputable. To accept and comprehend these challenges, you need to have cognitive flexibility and the ability to make the transition from logical thinking to creative or lateral thinking. To understand these ideas, you need intellectual freedom.

This book offers a model of the fundamental transformation of the entire economic system based on the principle of financial transparency and the key to a new model of social behavior that will fundamentally change our approach to the scientific, cultural, educational, and political spheres.

The author does not follow analysts who unanimously insist on preserving and strengthening an unviable world model. He forms a fundamentally new paradigm, in the center of which is the highest human value: the person himself. A person is not like a “bipedal habit,” but as a creator who can realize his most profound potential.


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Missing Education


Is our conventional education enough and does it teach everything that’s needed for living a happy, high-quality life? The vast majority of people are not living the lives they would like to. Instead, they are fighting their lives, struggling, suffering and addicted to drugs in order to get by. They are overwhelmed by problems such as financial, health, and family issues.
Life becomes not a joy but an endless cycle of depression and frustration.
This short book is designed to highlight subjects and topics that are fundamental to finding and living a happy and high-quality life, such as value systems, awareness, quantum physics, mental and physical health, financial literacy, economics and more.
The author shares these lessons efficiently and gives suggestions for further reading, so that readers can increase the quality of their lives and their whole happiness.


Friday, September 24, 2021

Screenwriting for Storytellers

Screenwriting for Storytellers : 

How to Take Your Story from Idea to Script

 This is more than a screenwriting book. Author and Screenwriter S.D. Moore developed a simple process to show storytellers how to turn a story into a script. The book delivers lessons in basic screenplay structure plus, bonus features like quizzes, writer’s block removal and brain boosting exercises, writing drills, pitch deck training and more. You’ll also get S.D. Moore’s cash award winning autobiographic dramatic script, Stronger When She’s Broken. Screenwriting for Storytellers is a must have tool for writers of all types. Isn’t it time you told Hollywood your story?

As you can see from the cover, Author and Screenwriter S.D. Moore has won numerous screenwriting awards, plus book writing awards. The highlights include the Boobs and Blood Best of the Fest award and several Best Feature Script awards. Moore also won a couple of first prize book awards. Moore is also a Film Festival Judge. S.D. Moore is a former military and college instructor who holds dual Masters in Management and Human Resources Development and is a dissertation away from a Doctorate of Education.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Busy Bee Flies on Home


Busy Bee Flies on Home

Children's Author, Mimi Gisela, is pleased to present her new picture book for kids. Busy Bee Flies on Home, a book for children made to last generations. The story is made to encourage your child to explore, and imaginate.

The writing is fun and lively as well as educational. The vivid colors and illustrations will draw your child into their amazing world and will keep your little one engaged!

This book is truly a great way for children to explore, learn and to have fun while they dive into this busy bees world. This story book will spark their interest and keep them coming back for more.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Coyote Alibi


Coyote Alibi: 

A humorous legal mystery on the edge of the Navajo Reservation

(Naomi Manymules mysteries Book 1)

Winner of three book awards.
"An enjoyably twisty mystery with appealing characters and a vivid setting" Kirkus Reviews
"The writing here is clever, crisp, and consistent." Critic's Report, Book Life

Navajo paralegal Naomi Manymules pauses on a lakeside cliff for a moonlit moment and hears a swimmer far below. When loud echoes shatter the quiet, she heads for home. The next day, her lifelong friend is a prime murder suspect whose sleazy, abusive husband has turned up naked and dead in on the lake. Her friend offers only a coyote as her alibi, and the police aren’t inclined to look much further. With wicked humor and a big helping of snark, Naomi and her boss navigate through a colorful assortment of petty criminals, surly teenagers, prominent locals, likable polygamists, and a big-city mobster or two. It’s only a matter of time before they become targets themselves.
Meet the sleuths:
Divorced, thirty-something, mom of two, Naomi Manymules bluffs her way into a new paralegal career. She’s smart and feisty and knows just about everything that goes on in Sage Landing, so she is the perfect person to nudge a reluctant attorney into getting serious about practicing law.
Grant Carson is a cynical, handsomely scruffy ex-prosecutor who has escaped to a remote lakeside town. Until Naomi decided he would do otherwise, he was practicing just enough law to support the real passion of his life: his old yacht, the Deep Inn.
Picture the upper Grand Canyon and its many side canyons. Fill it with blue water, and that’s what the remote lake next to Sage Landing looks like. The town itself is small and compact, perched on a red sandstone mesa between a mighty dam and the Navajo Nation. It’s a unique place that brings out whatever’s unique about everyone who shows up there.
It all adds up to a quirky, laugh-out-loud small-town mystery with suspense, sass, and suspects aplenty.


Click here to get Coyote Alibi on Amazon / Kindle 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Splinters of my Soul


How deep is the bond of siblings when one’s career, marriage, life and darkest secret are on the line . . . 

The heart-wrenching appearance of six little girls with horrifying injuries leads to a gruesome murder in Cloverdale. With such a turn of related events hitting close to home, Tiffany Brown-Carson’s world comes crashing down jeopardizing her medical career and revealing things better left unsaid. 

Against the wishes of the local police, her brother, Tony Brown, begins a painstaking search for the truth. His relentless actions uncover a chilling secret forbidden by his sister and evidence of massive corruption stemming from low-ranking officers and as high up as the chief of police.  

While Tony couldn’t protect Tiffany that one fateful summer which splintered more souls than he cared to count, he surely wants to make amends—even if that means trading his life for hers. Unfortunately, fate is not on his side resulting in a ripple of terrifying memories unfolding a tailspin of unimaginable situations which unearth Tiffany’s shocking past igniting a web of broken silence.  

Click here to get Splinters of My Soul on Amazon / Kindle 

Click here to follow author, Kimberly Morton Cuthrell on Instagram


Monday, September 20, 2021

The Good Mind VS The Bad Mind


The Good Mind VS The Bad Mind

The Bad Mind Vs The Good Mind is about thinking before you act. 5-year old Hollis is faced with choice after choice throughout the day with his 10-year old brother Mikey. But will he follow his Good Mind and make the right choice or will he forget all his mother has taught him and follow his Bad Mind. We will also explore the unexpected lessons for Mikey as he navigates being a brother with his step mother. Let’s explore lessons of sharing with others, being kind, not hitting anyone and listening.” Parents and educators, uplift your little one’s self-esteem with a positive affirmation within this great and easy read.


Sunday, September 19, 2021

Reunion Obituaries


Every year there were fewer members of the Class of '65 at the occasional reunion. Death came in the form of war, auto crashes, overdoses, disease, and sometimes from walking under ladders while a black cat ran across the road and caused a truck to run up on the sidewalk, hit a lift hoisting a safe to a second-floor window and making the safe drop onto the head of the pedestrian who had been warned by his mother not to walk under ladders.

A white sport coat and a pink know the words and Marty Robbins singing the song will remind you of high school dances and your first date..
After reading the first THREE EPISODES which are FREE, Amazon treats you to 200 FREE TOKENS to enjoy more episodes. When you run out of those FREE tokens, you can buy 200 more for $1.99. Thus when you do start paying for the next episode, it's about a nickel to as much as seven cents.
Please join me on this story, and give a THUMBS UP at the end of each episode. I will really appreciate your support.

Saturday, September 18, 2021




(Next Life Book 1) 

Death comes, and misery follows. As a man in his early twenties, Leon never genuinely contemplated what would happen after his death. Like those before him, he never understood the truth of our universe. After his sudden demise, the terrorizing reality of a mysterious dystopian afterlife begins crushing him as it has those prior. Men have started enslaving and killing each other to sate their greed while enigmatic creatures oppress the masses. Only a select few have shown the courage that is needed to challenge their supremacy.

Through this eclipsing darkness, there is hope. But will that hope prove to be enough to save this turbulent cosmos? The revelations of advanced science, magic, human savagery, and even our gods will be showcased. Both in a new light and disturbing darkness, will the verities of Earth and Afterworld give him a greater understanding of our universe; or in turn, begin to break him as they have done to so many before?

Click here to get Afterworld on Amazon / Kindle US Store

Click here to get Afterworld on Amazon / Kindle UK Store

Click here to order Afterworld on Next Life Universe Website

Friday, September 17, 2021

My Toxic Husband


My Toxic Husband: 

Loving and Breaking Up with a Narcissistic Man: Symptoms of a narcissistic person. How to Start Your Psychopath-free Life Now! Based ... of narcissists

(Narcissist Survivor Book 1)

Do you suspect that your partner is a narcissist? YOUR STORY is my story!

Let me draw for you a portrait of a narcissistic monster. In the beginning, narcissistic partners are usually very captivating. They seem to be the men with this “big,” strong personality. They shine. They’re charming, and they can easily make you feel special, adored, and super attractive.

So, where’s the hook?

With time, you discover the truth. Just like I did.
With time, your partner - the one who was supposed to be THE ONE - turns out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are horrible partners.

They act as if they are always right and their partner is wrong or incompetent. 
They’re extremely concentrated on themselves, and they require a lot of attention and appreciation. 
They will perceive their partner as a source of satisfying their own needs. 
Highly critical of others but hypersensitive to the slightest form of criticism or rejection.
They have trouble with really loving someone because they don’t love themselves. 

How does it feel for a woman to be with a narcissistic man?

Narcissist’s moods swing wildly, from smothering you with love to hurling insults.
He will provide you with a daily, emotionally draining rollercoaster. 
Narcissist’s ideal prey is a person who is self-sacrificing; one who suppresses their needs, who do not openly and assertively express them. 
With time, a narcissist will successively create a relationship based on toxic emotional codependency.

This book will help you understand mental abuse techniques (like gaslighting, projection, and others) that are traits of narcissistic personality disorder. It will describe what a narcissistic person is like, the signs of mental abuse, and much more.

I know all about loving a narcissistic man because I went through it. This book tells the story of my relationship (and my divorce) with my narcissistic husband. 

I understand how difficult it is to come to terms with being in a toxic relationship. How heartbreaking it feels when someone you thought you would grow old with turned out to be extremely selfish, manipulative, devoid of empathy, and jealous.

Just like you, I experienced being in a relationship in which you feel inferior, criticized, manipulated, and lonely, but you can’t find the strength to draw back and stand for yourself. You blame yourself and begin to lose trust in your own judgments.

In this book, you will discover the following about toxic relationships:

  • How the charming narcissist can fool you into believing you’ve found your ideal partner;
  • The warning signs of an emotionally abusive man;
  • The typical way that narcissistic personality disorder manifests;
  • How to plan to break up with a narcissistic partner;
  • What to do if you’re divorcing a toxic husband.

“It was a real eye-opener and I pray that people will read this book and spot the narc before they get involved." Goodreads

“The honesty of this book takes you in the right from the start." - Goodreads

THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO NEED for you to keep living a life of an emotionally abused woman. 

You don’t have to suffer in silence or shame anymore.

I truly believe my story can guide you on how to free yourself from this toxic codependency. 

Don’t spend another moment suffering from narcissistic abuse -it’s not worth it. 

A narcissist-free life is a life filled with peace of mind, self-love, assertiveness, and self-trust. It’s a life worth fighting for!

Click here to get My Toxic Husband on Amazon / Kindle 


Blood Pressure Logbook: A Science-Backed System for Heart Health Monitoring and Understanding

Blood Pressure Logbook: A Science-Backed System for Heart Health Monitoring and Understanding Take Control of Your Blood Pressure with This ...