by Dominick Barbato (Author)

"The Shaded Forest is a magical place where animals can talk, witches live in cottages, and magical mysteries abound. In this place, the next big adventure is always around the corner.
In The Shaded Forest Chronicles, join Ralphie Rabbit and Kevin the Pig, along with all of their friends, as they discover the magic that exists in the forest. From witches’ potions to mysterious footprints, this collection of stories is sure to enchant you.
Enter the Shaded Forest to discover what’s hidden inside!"
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This book is a PORTAL to your Higher Self and to your Guides, Keepers, and Guardians.
This is the shortlist of what you will find in my book:
All the things I will describe below are written in the most captivating Eternal Love Story you have ever heard, or read, or seen. Which is, besides all, is autobiographical.
Besides crying and laughing, falling and rising together with the heroine of the story, Lala, Besides seeing finally the Victory of Light and Love over Darkness, you will find out MUCH more than you could even imagine finding in just one book.
What will you find there?
*The deepest and the most heart touching story of Twin Flames.
*The explanation of Soulmates Relationships, Karmic Relationship.
*Soul awakening experience. What is it? Why? How? What for?
*Explanation of Twin Flame Mission, goals, path, separation, and the Victory of Love. The Union.
*Explanation of past lives and how important it is to be aware of that experience.
*What is Regression?
*What is the purpose of life?
*The betrayal of Twin Soul. The reasons behind it? How to be able to rise above it?
*How to fall and find the strength to get up and keep on shining for Him and others, after heart brake.
*What is One Soul in Two bodies?
*What is infinite, forever Love?
*Different Dimensions, Realm of Spirits.
*WHY and HOW we chose the circumstances for our life. Why we do not choose the easy path?
*Who are the Watchers, and Keepers? How do they help us? Protect us?
*Why we all have Divine Origin and Divine Spark?
*What is God and where is the Divine Source?
*Who is Matrix Twin Flame? Who is Twin Flame Runner? What is he running from and for?
*Who is a Spiritual Twin?
*What is Kali Yuga, and Quantum Transition?
*What Twin Flames come for? Why the Dark Side prevents them from Union?
* What it takes to finally win over Dark and Unite with the other Half of your very Soul.
*What is the Dark Side? Who are they? What do they want? How they survive?
* How Dark Side control us?
* Why Twin Flames and Light Workers have very taugh childhood?
*What is Soul Transformation?
*What is Divine Wisdom and where to find it?
*Who are the Indigo Children?
*Who is an Empath, who are the Lightworkers, why do they come?
*Who are the SEERS and how they come into your life?
* Key Twin Flames. Who are they?
*How the Keepers can come into your life as different people to help you?
*Why SELF LOVE is so crucial and important for your happiness and finding true love?
*Tarot cards. Why they are so magical? And why “DEVIL” card is much more, than it seems?
*What is the goal and purpose of human existence?
*Telepathy between Twin Flames
* If HE does not listen to His own Soul, what can you do? How to help him?
* What "Life without Soul" means and what is the danger of it?
*What emotions and feelings the dark Side uses to control us?
*What is the Victory of Love, How it looks and feel like?
So. The goal I was writing this book for is YOU TO FIND YOUR ANSWERS
Click here to get I Just Want You To Remember
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