Friday, April 30, 2021

The Hangman: Vengeance


The Hangman: Vengeance

The Hangman has returned from an unknown dimension he was sent to at the end of The Death Brothers: A Supernatural Awakening. Now, he only has vengeance on his mind for the people who tricked him, that he once considered friends and allies. They include the heroes; The Grand Librarian, Alexander Merryweather, the demon hunter, Father Tom Padilla, the witch, Susan Taki, and reluctantly, the vampire slayer, Jericho Caine. He must also contend with the underworld and its agents, as they attempt to conquer the Earth.

Check out the Links Below:

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Developing A Wealthy Mindset


by Joel Wyrick

Developing a Wealthy Mindset is about creating your foundation; it is your General Equivalency Diploma (GED) study guide for the School of Wealth. It teaches how to create a new mindset in and around the world of money. After reading Developing a Wealthy Mindset, you will have the tools to do just that.


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A Baby Eagle Was Told He's a Beetle


My name is Ashia Foster, and I'm the author of this amazing storyline. A baby eagle is lost and wasn't able to find his mother. A rooster comes to his rescue, but the solution wasn't in the eagle's favor. The rooster was dishonest and envious. All because of jealousy! The rooster always wanted to fly like an eagle, but wasn't born to soar. Instead of accepting that he is a beautiful rooster, he wanted to soar. In the real world, jealousy is behind so many bad outcomes. One can read and take something from this little fictional storyline. We can love and accept each other. We can all soar in many different ways. I grew up taking care of roosters, and every morning I look forward to hear the beautiful crowing a rooster makes. It woke me up for school, and I didn't need an alarm clock. I enjoyed writing this storyline. I hope your children enjoys reading this book. Thank you all for your support.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021




Follow a paranoid stoner through a heinous dimension of heightened interconnectivity and social malfunction. Conspire against the world with the help of a mystical typewriter and discover the truth of the reptilians. Question everything, and most importantly, FEAR THE SCREENS! 

"Panopticon" is but one technological tragedy in the non-linear novella series "Dithyramb of Destiny & Tales of Doom".

It is available for free here:

Direct digital download

Apple Books  


Monday, April 26, 2021

The Cherokee Secret


Good vs Evil. Unrivaled storytelling. Unforgettable characters.  

These are the hallmarks of Edward Hendry’s debut, The Cherokee Secret, the first in a powerful speculative novel series following the riveting adventures of James MacNaughton (Mack), a not so ordinary man who discovers a Viking treasure with a supernatural origin holding a time shattering secret, revealing his long-lost love and a mysterious ancient past. 

Combining historical fiction with magic, mysticism, wisdom, wonder and suspense, Hendry’s high-stakes story about the lust for power and conflict in the human heart is one you don’t want to miss… 


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Student of Life Master of Self


Student of Life Master of Self

A broaden perspective on life's most essential elements: Love, Perception, and Oneness. A light work to bring awareness of one's soul through experiences in life.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions


Take Your Sex Life From Boring To Mind-Blowing in a Few More Than 69 Moves

IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS SEX, BASIC AND PRIMAL IN ITS EARLY STAGES, OR SO WE THINK. . . . Perhaps modern society is simply unaware of the depth of sexual understanding our ancestors truly possessed. Maybe modern society is actually relearning the sexual secrets that have been lost over the years. We can look back to the Kama Sutra and see that thousands of years ago, the various sexual positions were given extreme importance. There are even ancient texts that suggest certain positions and angles of penetration can improve your health and even fight disease—more than just physical pleasure. However, intense physical pleasure is an excellent place to start.

Friday, April 23, 2021

The Never-ending Motivation Book


Motivation is such a powerful force in our world. It drives us to do great things, lifts us up when we feel down and kicks us in the butt when we need it. The issue with motivation is that it needs to keep being recharged. This book is my first step in my Constant Motivation Technique to keep your motivation flowing.

How many times have you listen to many of the great motivational speakers that are out there and you come out of that talk super pumped. Only to have that motivation wane or drop off as you get back into daily life and the wind that it knocks out of you. I have repeat this cycle so many times over the course of my life that I wanted to do something about it. This book keeps your motivated by feeding you bite size motivation over and over again. Each motivation in this book is designed to be read and digested over a weeks time. Putting that motivation into your the process of your life and sharing its power with all those around you. Then the next week a new motivation is waiting for you so that you don’t fall into the valley that so often follows the motivational highs.  

Imagine spreading the energy you have after coming out of a motivational lecture or weekend event over a years time. Constantly refilling your motivational tank with gas to keep moving down the motivational road. This process keeps your motivation gradually moving toward a new high all the time, instead of using the old peaks and valley method of motivation. This book is alway here for you when you feel down or your motivation starts to wane. However it also picks you up even higher when you are riding the motivation highs. This book is a lifetime motivational journey that I am super happy to be on with you.  

The base book has a series of short simple motivational message inside. As you read each one you need to sit with it and see how you can put it into your life and use it to keep yourself motivationally moving forward. The beauty of this book is that the motivations never end each month a series of new motivation message are added creating the never ending book and never ending motivation. The beauty is you only have to purchase the book once, there is no extra cost to get the new motivations all you have to do is refresh the book.  

“There is no shortage of motivation in the world, only the lack of focus” 
- Rob Alex, Ph.D.

Thursday, April 22, 2021


Want to have the most holly jolly time of the season?  Then pick up a copy of Sexy Challenges to enjoy the fun and excitement that will keep your relationship strong and fun for the days to comes in the future.  This is the gift that keeps giving all year long. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Top 100 Intimate Items for Lovers


Sex is amazing, Sex is Fun, Sexy is out of this world
However, it can always get better!

Sexy Challenges knows that there is not limit to the sexual energy you can experience. However, a good majority of people out there do not have any clue what products are out there to help improve their sexual experiences. That is why I put together a crack team of experts to help find the best products for your sexual satisfaction. 

Now-a-days there are millions of sexual products out there to choose from. Which means there is a lot to consider when making a selection to put more pleasure in your sex life. Not only are their choices but there are health issues to sexual items, and now many times come with warranties and options, that a person can get overwhelmed in a hurry. Sex should not be stressful nor should picking out items to assist you in your sexual escapades. 

That is why this book was created. Items to enhance your sexual experience are investments. You put out money for said items and hope they will deliver massive returns on your investments. However throwing money blindly in a sex toy store or online isn’t the best investment policy. You have to do the research. With that being said most people don’t have the time or the balls to really dive into researching sexual items. Good thing my team here at Sexy Challenges does.  

We want to take as much of the guess work out of the process as possible. This book was designed to share our top picks with you so that instead of having millions of items to choose from you will have 100 or a few more of the best of the best. High quality, best price, longest lasting items to keep your libido active and excited. Together we will help you build a arsenal of sexual items to keep things new and evolving in your bedroom, and outside of it also.

We are not just talking about sex toys such as vibrators. There is an entire world out there of amazing products that when used in the correct fashion will help turn you on and up to a new level of sexual excitement. The list is so long believe me it was a daunting task narrowing this book down to 100 items. Sure there will be sex toys in the list but there will also be games, beverages, items to cleaning up, storage, and a lot more areas that you might not have through about. That is why I brought in the experts.  

The goal here is to update this book twice a year to help keep it fresh and up to date on all the advancements in the sexuality felid. Part of our process is listening to our readers, so if you have a suggestion for a product to be in our next edition by all means sent the information to me. You will be able to find my contact information at the end of this book. Also if you have any question you can send them to me and if I don’t know the answer I will do my best to find it from our team or a different source.  

My suggestion for using this book is as follows. Go through the book all the way before you decide on anything to add to your play time. After you have finished mark down a few items you would like to try and have your partner do the same. If you are single and not dating you can skip that last step. Now compare lists and if any items are the same on both lists don’t hesitate pick those up right away. Next set a plan on what Item or items you want to try next and start a budget for your sexual pleasure items. Understand that everything in these pages might not be for you and the is okay we all are different and unique so embrace that fact. So if something doesn’t appeal to you don’t just pick it up cause it is in the book! Trust your feelings use the sexual force.  

Making your list out of the items in the pages and sharing it with your lover is a great way to help during gift giving times, such as the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, as well as weddings and bridal showers, and bachelor parties.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Romo's Journey

Can a robot be a hero? In this futuristic page-turner a Robo-Naut becomes more than machine. Romo awakens, self-aware onboard a Mars colony ship to find it in trouble. He doesn’t know how he came to be there or why, but he knows that his new life and the lives of the passengers are in danger. PACE, an authoritarian Earth-based organization will stop at nothing to prevent the colonists from reaching Mars alive, and his presence onboard may be their only hope of survival.

Click here to get Romo's Journey on Amazon / Kindle


Monday, April 19, 2021

So What If You Have Failed!



Be Inspired

This book named, 'So What if you have Failed'!!, is as Ta result of my many experiences of failing along the
way of progressing, moving on and Prospering.
Your situation regardless of it being seemingly hopeless,
does not have to make you end there and give up!
This book with its two sections will solely bring you the
comfort and strength that you need to remain positive, as
well as being inspired and motivated to push yourself and
even others forward. It will give you power to believe in the
words and envision yourself at the top again!

I am a very caring individual who solely focuses on the most Positive and good things in life.
I am an Early years educator with over 17 years of experience. I love working with children and young people. 
I love writing and I usually write children's reports and news letters. I decided to try writing some children's books as well in the process.
I've written two young children's picture books and now awaiting publishing. 
As a result of my positive thinking and Always being Hopeful, I decided to put together a book of 'Inspirational Quotes', to help families and people to keep their heads up when difficult situations arises! 

The name of my book is called "So what if you have Failed"! 
A book of pure Inspiration and motivation, enabling you to get up, rise up and look forward to only positive, rather than dwell on the negative.
It's very Unfortunate that many individuals after they have fallen, decided to just give up and give in, rather than embrace and appreciate their mistakes, then use it to move forward positively.
Please check out my book 📚 and be ready to Inspire yourself and others by its Powerful content.
Happy reading!

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Stop


The STOP: 

Improving Police and Community Relations



“Dear Dwayne, “Thank you for writing. There are too many places in America where communities of color feel unfairly targeted by police and where police departments feel unfairly attacked for doing their jobs…I recognize these fears and frustrations are deeply felt—they are rooted in realities that have existed for a long time. But I’ve witnessed our Nation make tremendous progress in my own life, and I still believe we are not as divided as we may seem.” – President Barack Obama

The current climate of police and community relations is very tense. From George Floyd and Breonna Taylor to Ahmaud Arbery and Elijah McClain, seemingly every week, the media captures another story of a police officer’s use of deadly excessive or unreasonable force. Police officers have also been the target of random attacks and shootings, which has further reinforced the level of distrust between the police and communities. 

Whether it is police against community or community against police, this chaotic relationship will prove detrimental to our communities if we continue in this manner. 

“I sincerely believe our communities and police need each other,” says Dwayne Bryant. “However, if we don’t make a mutual commitment to foster honest and open dialogue and improve our efforts to bridge the gap to create a positive relationship, I am concerned that our society is headed in an irreversible direction.”

Bryant, a renowned motivational speaker, who has spent the last two decades educating over 30,000 students, parent and teachers on police and community relations, is the author of The STOP: Improving Police and Community Relations, which supports the values of mutual respect, shared responsibility and personal accountability, ensuring institutions that create, apply and enforce the law – from congress to the courtroom to the police – are an integral part of building a sustainable relationship with community and authority.

With a letter to Bryant from President Barack Obama and forewords by Lee Brown, PhD, former Police Chief and Mayor of Houston, TX and former Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and David R. Bursten, Captain, Chief Public Information Officer, Indiana State Police, The STOP aims to inspire and empower individuals to look beyond initial thoughts of fear with police encounters and discover strength in resolving strained situations.

Bryant, an Alumni of the FBI Citizen’s Academy and Community Advisor for COPA (Civilian Office of Police Accountability), shares seven real-life personal encounters with law enforcement from his childhood into adulthood. With compelling narratives, research and humor, The STOP will:

  • Teach youth how to interact with police in a respectful manner
  • Encourage thought-provoking conversations and intelligent action between families, communities and law enforcement
  • Provide framework for parents, teachers and community leaders to engage in meaningful dialogue with youth about their expectations in life
  • Offer practical solutions to bridge the gap between the community and law enforcement, creating a positive relationship


“Before you change your world, you must change your vision,” continues Bryant. “I named this book The STOP for two reasons: first, because I want to encourage everyone to stop and think in any situation, confrontational or not. A positive outcome goes a long way for our community and nation; and second, The STOP is about more than just a police stop. It stands for Support the Teaching OPrinciples.”

DWAYNE BRYANT is an internationally renowned speaker, best-selling author, educational consultant, trainer and Alumni of the FBI Citizen’s Academy. Known for his high-energy, unique ability to connect to an audience, keen intellect and wit, Bryant fuels audiences by sharing his credo of hard work, perseverance, integrity, and applied faith, which are the keys to his success. 

He is the Founder and CEO of Inner Vision International, Inc., which provides various education institutions with results oriented social emotional mentoring services, including eLearning with DB. He is sought after by corporations, nonprofits and academic institutions for his proven ability to offer step-by-step resources to audiences on how to unlock their unlimited power.

Bryant has been a three-time guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show, correspondent for Next TV, host the Unity breakfast for The Obama Presidential Library and has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC and PBS networks for his impactful work throughout various communities. 

He received a proclamation from the Pennsylvania State Legislatures for his book, The STOP: Improving Police and Community Relations. Recognizing his work for creating solutions to improve police and community relations, Bryant received EBONY Magazine’s EBONY Power 100’s “Community Crusader” Award. 

For more information, please visit, and connect with Dwayne on Facebook @dwayne.bryant.39, Twitter @iamdwaynebryant, and LinkedIn

THE STOP: Improving Police and Community Relations is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

Saturday, April 17, 2021



Truth “The Art of Raising Stable, Stylish and Secure children” Speaks to parents raising children alone to understand barriers which may have impacted their lives. TRUTH is designed to help families continuously move forward in a positive manner to yield positive results despite challenges and life difficulties of the past. Understanding being single parent is not a curse, it is merely a role. Are you willing to give 100% of yourself to ensure your child has a chance at this thing called "life". It does matter how you start as how you start certainly has an impact on how one finish.

TRUTH is rated as Best Seller for Self Help books.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Vulnerable Yet Powerful


Vulnerable Yet Powerful: 

A case of Africans’ Conflicting Realities 

Are you feeling at home?Have you ever felt like the place you are living in doesn't feel like home no matter how hard you are trying to feel like it does?Would you like to become a person who is contributing to the well-being of your home country and to brothers and sisters who are there with you?Have you ever had this feeling when you just want to scream from the top of your lungs – "I am African!" and do that with Pride and Confidence?If you answered "Yes" to at least one of these questions, please read on…. I have something special to share with you…Don't get me wrong, this is Not another book about racism, how to gain confidence, fight against it as a black person and thrive through life. If you are looking for something like that, you can stop reading now - there are so many other great books about it.But if you want to dive deep into unbiased historical roots, problems, and desires of Africans at Home and Africans in Diaspora and discover the truth. Without all smokes and mirrors, pretending that everything is okay when you and I both knowthatit'sNOT – this book will serve you greatly!Take a look at what's inside:•What are some of the biggest problems most Africans face in their home countries?•A contrast between two stories (the core differences between Africans in Africa and Africans in Diaspora Revealed)•4 root issues that cause Africans in Diaspora to stay away from their countries and what we can do about it?•"Black Lives Matter,"what's the true purpose of this anti-racism movement?•Narratives in Perspectives(Is Africa truly on the endless walk to true freedom?)•How to overcome the "brain-drain" of Africa? (this is probably the most painful problem of them all, that causes Poverty and Crisis in most African countries)•What do you need to do to make Africa's 'Future of Today' Significant and Gain Confidence to stand up for yourself and for your country?•Much much more…Keep in mind that this book is not just directed to African-Americans, African-Germans, Home-Africans, and so on… This book is for everyone, just like you, who wants to know the "WHY, HOW, and WHEN" about African people's true history.And if that's the case, this book is for you!

Jessie And The Hurricane

  Jessie And The Hurricane When Miami detective Jessie Mitchell travels to New York to assist with a high-profile case, he leaves his family...