Sunday, January 31, 2021

Whisper Valley


What do you do when faced with one of life's greatest trials?

For seventy-two-year-old Larry Jones, it is a puzzling question he must wrestle with. After the passing of his beloved wife Sharon, a strong Christian woman, his life is found in a tailspin. Without a savior to keep him anchored, he is lost. At a critical point, he crosses paths with a young man named Sam. In time, he witnesses God's unfailing love at work in his life and in the lives of those closest to him.

Others, like Larry, find themselves up against immovable forces. Their challenges are real and so is the pain. Although each person is on their own journey, their lives intertwine in a unique way. Strength is found in uncertain places. Friendships form. Against odds, hope is restored and hearts mend. Explore how far God's love reaches into the lives of his children in Jeff Kayser's Whisper Valley.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Woo True Love


Woo True Love

Wisdom to create a dream love life out of thin air, full of passion and harmony.

These inspiring tales provide an approach to living a whirlwind romance with great courage, abundance and joy. A wonderfully crafted fable tells the extraordinary story of Maya, a white-collar lawyer who falls in love with a shady married businessman. The pair are forced to confront their feelings for one another, an out-of-balance lifestyle and taboo love affairs. The book provides a step-by-step approach to recover from a bad breakup. On a lifechanging odyssey, discover the power of self-love, the law of attraction in love, untapped psychic gifts, wise and practical lessons that teaches you to:

♥ Develop self-love;

♥ Discover strength in romance and relationships;

♥ Discover the secret conversation topics to fall head over heels in love;

♥ Create and maintain relationship longevity;

♥ Value and fulfil dreams;

♥ Dispel labels and live life to its fullest;

♥ Use the power of image and social media in love;

♥ Connect emotionally with the mind;

♥ Survive, reflect and revive in love during the pandemic.

Create and sustain healthy boundaries by prioritising yourself and placing value on your standards prior to taking the 183 days to commitment questionnaire.

Design the love life you deserve and avoid the pitfalls along the dating journey to finding true love.

Click here to get Woo True Love on Amazon / Kindle

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Animal Squad and the Mystical Topax Amulet


The Animal Squad and the Mystical Topax Amulet

"A frog, a rhino, and a fox set out on a funny, thrilling adventure to stop a rogue agent from stealing an amulet and becoming invincible. Unexpected plot twists kept me on the edge of my seat. You'll not want to miss this one! With lots of action, this exciting story will keep you reading!" — Zayne, Age 12, Kids' BookBuzz

                Deadly Animal Fights 

The Way Nature NEVER Intended Them to Be!

The Animalis International Team is a group of beast-men, hybrids between humans and animals, who fight the menace of global terrorism perpetrated by both beast-men and humans – menaces more cataclysmic than what humankind would be able to take on. 

They operate in secret, never letting themselves or their missions be known or shown to the public.

Neutralizing a host of threats, from mythical weapons to modern political conspiracies, there is no kind of evil that would deter the AIT!

The Animal Squad and the Mystical Topax Amulet

A new danger has emerged. Gator Croc, a former AIT member has gone rogue and is seeking the forbidden Topax Amulet, an ancient talisman with powers of invincibility. The depravity of his actions forces his old allies out of retirement, who come together with a few recruits to stop him from getting his hands on a power that could change the future of the world!

Monday, January 25, 2021

No Footprint is Too Small


No Footprint is too small: 

Overcome grief and trauma after a child loss

Discover One Man's Journey Through a Devastating Loss of His Son and an Inspiring Story of Survival, Coping, and Healing.Whenever a tragedy enters your life, you feel helpless, stricken with grief. Nothing is the same; days are filled with pain and sadness. The only thing you wish is for the pain to go away and for things to go back to how they were.You are mourning the loss of a loved one; you struggle to make sense of it and to piece your life back together. But sometimes, the sorrow and pain become unbearable, and you find yourself falling into the void and hitting rock bottom. However, when you get knocked down, you have to get up and gather strength to set yourself on a path of healing.

Follow the story of Dimas, a father who lost his son to brain cancer. Dimas was a semi-professional basketball player, and he also pursued an acting career as an extra on HBO. The pain and sadness entered his life the first time he received the horrible news, but he was still filled with hope.He dropped everything he was doing to save his son's life, but unfortunately, they lost the battle. 

After that day, Dimas lost all hope, which put him in a deep, dark hole for years until he gathered the strength to get himself out.This memoir is not just a story about loss. It’s also about the process of going through it—a story about surviving the storm of pain and healing.Accompany Dimas on his painful walk through an unknown territory filled with pain, loss, and confusion. Follow him on a path of revelation and realization and find out how he got himself out of the void he was in."No footprint is too small to leave an impact on this world." – Dimas Cintron

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions


 The Big Black Book of Sex Positions

Take Your Sex Life From Boring To Mind-Blowing in a Few More Than 69 Moves

IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS SEX, BASIC AND PRIMAL IN ITS EARLY STAGES, OR SO WE THINK. . . . Perhaps modern society is simply unaware of the depth of sexual understanding our ancestors truly possessed. Maybe modern society is actually relearning the sexual secrets that have been lost over the years. We can look back to the Kama Sutra and see that thousands of years ago, the various sexual positions were given extreme importance. There are even ancient texts that suggest certain positions and angles of penetration can improve your health and even fight disease—more than just physical pleasure. However, intense physical pleasure is an excellent place to start.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Pirate Dinosaurs In Space


Pirate Dinosaurs In Space

Amazon Review 

"I want to be a pirate dinosaur in space” - Reuben aged 3
“This is the best book ever!” - Willow aged 6
“I love Captain Dan Tastic's story!” - Elijah aged 7
"The best book about pirates, dinosaurs & space I've ever read” - Natalie aged 33


Join Captain Triceratops and her ragtag band of pirate dinosaurs in a rhyming adventure story that will take them across the world and into the depths of space! Fun for all ages, and with a diverse range of pirate dinosaur characters, this tale is already a favourite among many aspiring buccaneers! 

Captain Triceratops' crew includes First Mate Rex the Tyrannosaurus, Sail Master Brax the Brachiosaur, Parminder the Parasaurolophus, Steg Meg the Stegosaurus and Yoshu the Anklyosaur. Their adventures are fun and exciting and will inspire children to work together, reach for the stars and give strong female role models. 

About the Author & Illustrator

Daniel Glastonbury is an award-winning children's entertainer and educator, having performed in his role as the magic pirate Captain Dan Tastic he has entertained and delighted children across the United Kingdom since 2010 with his magic shows, educational days, festival performances & children's youtube series. 

Daniel Glastonbury lives in Manchester with his wife Emily Glastonbury who joined Captain Dan Tastic's crew in 2015 as Em-Mazing the Mermaid. Since then she has helped Captain Dan Tastic to expand their children's entertainment empire across the country with her range of artistic skills including costume design, set production and children's illustrations. 

Together they run Dan Tastic Entertainment, Dan Tastic Education, Siren & Sailor Weddings and Mermaid Makes, if this wasn't enough they are currently working on their first baby buccaneer to join their pirate family.

Daniel & Emily Glastonbury would like to thank you for choosing their book and hope you will join them again for their future publications!

Friday, January 22, 2021

A Saint A Day Lent Devotional


A Saint A Day Lent Devotional: 

40 Daily Lenten Devotions for Christians

Let the Saints guide your reflections and inspire your prayers during Lent.

Each day of Lent, this book draws on the life of an inspirational Saint. It explains how you can learn from their experiences and deepen your faith through study and prayer each day of the Lenten season. A related daily passage from the bible is also included to guide your reflections and thoughts.

In addition, every day has space for spiritual reflections on the life of that day's Saint and for journalling your prayers for that day.

This book contains:

  • A Saint A Day from Ash Wednesday until Good Friday.
  • Space to write reflections on the life of each Saint.
  • Journal space to write prayers for each day.
  • Small enough to carry around with you - 6" x 9".
  • Soft glossy cover.

Let the Saints influence your thoughts and prayers and make Lent a special time in your Christian year so that these devotions help you more richly experience God's presence in your life. 

Buy now to bestow Blessings on your Lenten journey.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Journey Inward


Journey Inward:

A walk toward victory over the ego

All that is without, first comes from within. To go inward, it will take courage. To sit alone with yourself in silence will speak volumes to who you are. Courage will be necessary, and I am certain that you can do it. You may have to walk through some difficult doors, but inward fortitude is a must. It is said that to have knowledge and not contribute is to share the road of the greedy, so I have decided to put to paper some teachings from my experience that will help you on your path. But do not confuse knowledge with knowing. This is not a course for linear logic. It is for you to observe inwardly and see the truth of yourself. Ego can be defined as a person’s self-esteem or self-worth. We cannot put an end to the ego. As long as we have breath, our ego will breathe with us. My intention is not to capture and detain the ego. That would not be possible, as the ego is intangible. What we will set out to do is observe. Observe inwardly our thoughts and emotions. I want to give you a tool that is of great importance in any endeavor, especially in a self-defense situation. That tool is called awareness. Make no mistake, this is indeed self-defense.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The YOU Beyond You


The YOU beyond you: 

The Knowledge of the Willing

The YOU beyond you—A book that will change your perception of life. We always experience life through our subjective perceptions, built-up beliefs, and what we have been taught or told by others and seldomly stop to meditate on the reality which surrounds us.Most of our beliefs and perceptions today are nothing but a collection of misleading ideas due to the many blockages in our lives, that hinder to a great extent our understanding of our own reality.

This enlightened guide offers the reader a method to dissolve all that is acquired as bad habits, beliefs, and energies, which have been gathered through experiences and passive knowledge and unlocks a new dimension of reality based on its true mechanics and mode of action and based on concepts, principles, and givens never heard of before.“The YOU beyond you” contains the real secrets of life and how they operate within us and within our environment. A process that occurs right before our eyes yet mostly goes unseen due to the many obstructions in our lives.A must-read of at least once in a lifetime, for everyone who is willing to experience the real dimension of existence and go beyond the limited norms. 

The book contains the tip of the iceberg of life’s nature, on which one can use as a platform to unveil his full knowledge and his true potentials. No matter who we are or what our life goal is, our bad habits and unhealthy beliefs are the only reasons that trouble us in becoming the best versions of ourselves. In this book, you will embark on thorough research on how these bad habits and chaotic knowledge which are gathered through our lives get embedded in our life system and create a negative framework for our lives. 

You will also be set on an attitude that lets you consciously and unconsciously break free from these limitations and experience the true path where everything prospers.A guide for readers of all ages, helping them to rise to the level of their life goals. Written with the sole purpose of assisting the reader to understand how mind, body, and soul work within our environment and how these age-old beliefs and perceptions which we accumulated can be turned around, dissolved, or turned into a directed drive to flourish.Inspired by biological and psychological theories, ideas, and true-life experiences, this comprehensive guide provides you with an extraordinary life approach to reach new heights. 

The book will truly transform your life.After reading this book, you will be able to reflect on:•How a multitude of habits pollute our bodies.•How to overcome thoughts and ideas that frame our minds.•How to eliminate factors that destroy mental peace.•How to take control and improve ourselves and the environment around us for self-betterment.•How to experience the real secrets of life and understand how they operate.•How to be able to use these concepts to bind reality in your way.•How to reach spiritual awakening.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Amber Colored Dreams


Amber Colored Dreams


Born Black in the Jim Crow South of the early 1900s, John feels like the rabbits he hunts to feed himself, his mother, and his sisters . . . always running from White men. The Johnsons, owners of the largest peach farm and just about everything else in town, produce some strange and bitter fruit with their racism. So, when Carolyn Johnson sets her sights on John and his friends, they decide to escape before her vicious threats and well-practiced lies add them to her family’s crop, but things go horribly wrong.

Now, years later, John is an illicit club owner in the North with his heart set on marrying the carefree, beautiful Robyn. But Carolyn’s memory and reach are long, and she is determined to harvest her odious crop. Like the mysterious crow with blue-green eyes that shows up throughout John’s life, no one is who they seem, and retribution awaits in the unlikeliest of places.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Marketing Mindset


Marketing Mindset 

Every business requires a strong foundation to succeed in the long term. What exactly defines success anyway? Success means possessing a mindset where we feel good about our work, relationships, and everyday life. Our goal is to excitedly jump out of bed each morning, so we can get to work on the things we love. There is huge competition in business, and to succeed, we must be better than the majority of other people trying to succeed. Even the smallest improvement can generate a huge outcome. The more tools and business principles we know, the more steps we can take.

Many marketing books talk about strategies, planning, tips for success. Our book, Marketing Mindset, provides knowledge for building a remarkably strong foundation for business. It's not only about marketing, but also the way we should think about our business and clients. Marketing Mindset covers many different areas that will help you build a strong business from the bottom up. Here we will take a look at some core marketing principles, personalities, and their effect on relationships, motivation, power, irrational aspects of human behavior, and the processes that help us keep everything organized and running smoothly.

This book provides plenty of real-life examples, observations, and tips. Being knowledgeable of a theory is important, but one also needs the practical application of that theory for it to be useful.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

From the Ashes of a Dead World


From the Ashes of a Dead World

Pavel Marino commands one of the few remaining combat squadrons in the final days of an unwinnable interstellar conflict. On orders from the admiralty he must now spirit his government’s leadership across the stars to a forgotten planet whose inhabitants were believed destroyed in an ancient war. There, far from the reaches of a ruthless foe, on a desolate oasis in deep space, they plan to lick their wounds with the intent of fighting once again.

But his ships were never designed to travel such a distance. The vessels eventually fall apart in transit as the crews starve, while good order and discipline begins to decay. Along the way many difficult decisions are made so that a few can survive. And when they finally reach their anticipated sanctuary, they discover that the planet is already inhabited by billions of humans with industrial-level technology, driving cars with internal combustion engines, flying airplanes with propellers, and waging a brutal world war.

Desperate, and with nowhere else to go, the weary space-farers make contact with their long-lost cousins. They must now make a fateful decision: Should they strive for peaceful coexistence with an archaic culture or subjugate these primitive beasts?

Friday, January 15, 2021

Mental Savage Book Club


If 2020 has taught us anything it's that mental strength is important...that's why Mental Savage is launching the world's first mindset focussed online book club giving you knowledge through the ancient art of reading and priceless accountability to sharpen your mind in a global tribe of like-minded individuals 😄🧠💪📖

Join now -->


  • Mental Savage Book Club is the world's first mindset focussed online book club giving you knowledge through the ancient art of reading and priceless accountability to sharpen your mind in a global tribe of like-minded individuals.


  • Knowledge - You will learn how to sharpen your mind through our curated book list.

  • Community - You will instantly be part of our tribe, meeting dynamic people whilst forming valuable relationships.

  • Accountability - You will be pushed to keep learning and growing. Accountability is priceless. 

Join now -->

#reading #onlinebookclub #personaldevelopment

Your Rights, Your Voice: The Ultimate Handbook for Empowered Citizenship

  Your Rights, Your Voice: The Ultimate Handbook for Empowered Citizenship: Fundamental Principles and Essential Terms for Everyday Understa...