Monday, November 30, 2020

Book Promotion Help


This is the service we use all the time to share our books, so we wanted to share it with you as well.  Check out all the great features and help this offers you and your book.  

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Magick From Chaos to Clarity


Magick is all around us all the time!
This book is about bringing your magickal knowledge out of chaos and into the clarity, to make sure you know how to use it to the full potential.

Before you start telling me that I spelled Magick wrong, don’t. When you spell Magick with a “k” on the end you speak about magick in the actual correct way. Magic without the “k” refers to acts of illusion, like pulling a rabbit out fo a house or making a car disappear. Magick with a “k” is about creating good in our world and universe.  

Inside the book you will learn how to create, direct, and share magick. You will learn how you can work with magick individually, in small groups, large groups and the possibility of using in a world setting.  

You will learn the connection between love and magick as well as how intelligent magick actually is in our universe. You will tap into the power of magick and how the billions of people on this planet are creating magick all the time and are unaware they are doing.  

After consuming the information in this book your outlook on the energy of magick will be drastically changed. Magick is the most unlimited resource in our world. There is no limit to the magick we as humans can create and with this knowledge you will learn the ease in which you can create it.  

Are you ready to take a journey into the world of Magick? In all history you will find tales of Magickal feats many of which are considered myths. After reading this book you might have a different opinion on those myths.  

As a bonus for getting this book you will also gain access to a free class on creating Happiness Notes. A class showing you how you can brighten the day of the other human beings on this planet one person at a time.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Unsocial Media


Unsocial Media: 

Breaking Free from the Shackles of Social Media

Want to explore the least talked about positive and negative effects of social media?

Experts on psychology and sociology view social media as a double-edged sword. It certainly has improved our life in terms of how we can get information in a matter of seconds. On the other hand, it has become an agent for disinformation, reduced productivity, and unhealthy screen time habits.

Like all swords, people must know how to wield social media to their advantage. The first step is knowing what entails its use–the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Free yourself from the ball and chain of the Internet and social media with Calvin Robbins' Unsocial Media!

Unsocial Media sheds light on the negative and positive impacts of social media, addictions, and privacy concerns. Get a nuanced grasp on how these platforms are intended to catch your attention, latching on to your life, and sucking you into a deep abyss of addictive behaviours.

This book explores the science and logic behind social media platforms. It also covers these sites' effects on mental health, particularly its destructive effects on emotional well-being. Discover why and how smartphone addiction happens and how social media exacerbates this problem.

Robbins also enlightens the readers on security and privacy concerns. Know how to recognise advertisements that blur the line between bespoke content and predatory surveillance. Our book also contains a relevant discussion on how the Internet and social media shape public opinion.

In this book, you’ll encounter:

✅ Tips on how you can manage your screen time
✅ Learn the red flags indicating phone fixation, internet abuse, and internet compulsion issues
✅ Comprehensive yet easy-to-digest topics around social media

Take charge of your digital freedom. Add Unsocial Media: Breaking Free from the Shackles of Social Media to your basket TODAY!

Click here to get Unsocial Media on Amazon / Kindle


Dark Matter Transit


Forget worm holes, time travel, warp drive and hyperdrive, they are Sci-Fi history. Dark Matter Transit (DMT) is the new way to traverse the cosmos. By an accident of nature and technology a lone Earth man is transported to the colossal Qee van Ongle (QvO) which is a gigantic spaceship constructed by rock flow methods out of asteroids, and it is the flagship of a whole planetary system. There is no way back for the the transported Earth man and he joins the crew of the QvO. Read about Terrabot a planet populated entirely by Robots and governed by Machine Law. Take part in massive space battles, Enjoy a gentle love story. It is available In paperback and Kindle on Amazon . Dark Matter 2 is also published and Dark Matter Three is expected to be published in early 2021. It has been described as intelligent and believable Science Fiction by reviewers and a book that you cannot put down by others

Friday, November 27, 2020

CamRon and Quarantina


When CamRon's birthday is cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, he's heartbroken that he can't spend time with his friends. But when his mother buys him a magical robot that comes to life, CamRon soon comes to realize that quarantine can be fun too!

With a delightful mixture of fun activities and an accompanying story, this children's activity book seeks to educate kids about Covid-19 and the importance of staying safe throughout the pandemic. Ideal for kids who are feeling anxious, worried or upset, inside they'll find a ton of enjoyable word searches, crosswords, mazes, coloring pages and more, all designed to build their confidence, teach them about hand-washing and social distancing, and thank all the essential workers who are keeping the world running!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Even If


Author: Regina Breshears DVM. 
Publisher: Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc.

A mother’s love for her children is unbreakable. Accidents may happen, but nothing can get in the way of her care and concern for her littles. Read along to see how a mother’s love conquers all. Even if some mistakes and messes are made along the way, there will always be that one special person ready to put the broken pieces back in place.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Lean Meals for Everyone


•Over 200 healthy, nutritious and tasty meal ideas.
•A wide range of recipes to suit everyone including vegans, vegetarians, meat eaters, intermittent fasters.
•Categorised calorie-based recipes and meal plans taking away the need to count calories.
•Simple descriptions interlaced with over 250 full-colour photographs and illustrations.
•An introduction to specific dieting regimes at the start of each section.
•A range of delicious hot and cold drinks you can consume whilst fasting.
•Foods and fluids you can consume to reduce bloating and excess water retention.
•10 of the most effective natural appetite suppressants.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Man UNcivilized


Man UNcivilized: 

If you hate men, you'll hate this book


If you're a man, you need to read this book. If you know men, date men, are married to a man, or are raising a young man — you need to read this book.

Sunday, November 22, 2020



Angie Romero is a devoted single mom to a three-year-old son who works as a waitress. When a handsome silver-eyed man shows up one day at her diner, everything changes. Tommy Mercer is now a man of few words now that he's left prison. When Tommy finally reveals his dark past, Angie is speechless. But can she trust him? And what's more, can she trust her heart?

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Hush Money



Colorado Springs authors Delilah Harris, Jacquie Abram, and Deborah Harris chronicle the story of a resilient Black woman fighting systemic racism in Corporate America in their new book “HUSH MONEY”

Local authors Delilah Harris, Jacquie Abram, and Deborah Harris, recently released an amazing new book in “HUSH MONEY,” where they narrate the story of a twenty-eight-year-old Black woman and her struggles with systemic racism in her workplace. Inspired by true events, “HUSH MONEY: How One Woman Proved Systemic Racism in her Workplace and Kept her Job” is currently available on Amazon.

The issue of racism has been a century-long problem that unfortunately seems unresolvable. And although several initiatives have been put in place to address this scourge due to the Black Lives Matter movement and the racial reckoning occurring around the world, the systemic nature of racism has made it even more difficult to effectively address the issue and its inherent problems. In “Hush Money,” the authors shine more light on the issue with the case study of Ebony, a strong, resilient Black woman who was living in poverty with her mother, struggling to make ends meet, and longing for a chance to live the American dream.  

After years of working dead-end jobs, Ebony obtained employment with an organization that put her on the path to accomplishing her goal of living the American dream.  But things quickly took a turn for the worst when Ebony's boss resigned unexpectedly and was replaced with a racist one, and the American dream, the dream that made her believe she would have the same opportunities as everyone else, became a living nightmare as she was abused, humiliated, and stripped of all dignity, confidence, and strength year after year.

Eventually, Ebony found courage, learned how to fight back through trial and error, and made the transition from racial discrimination victim to racial discrimination victor.

In writing “HUSH MONEY: How One Woman Proved Systemic Racism in her Workplace and Kept her Job”, the authors seek to inspire readers to rise above any challenge and fight every form of injustice.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Beating Cancer with Faith, Optimism, and Humor


Fabiana Da Silva had been living and teaching in the United States for only few years when she met the prince she had been searching for her entire life. After they married on May 4, 2013, they shared beautiful moments for seven months until the day Fabiana received a shocking diagnosis. She had leukemia. In a heartwarming retelling, Fabiana leads others chronologically through her life in the days before the diagnosis as she excitedly prepared for a trip to Brazil, through her symptoms that ultimately steered her to a diagnosis, her treatments and their impact on her marriage, and her positive outlook through it all. As she candidly brings each moment to life, Fabiana encourages others to keep their faith, hope, and humor during their own health challenges so that they, too, can live in the present and embrace every moment, good or bad.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Alive at 35


Have you reached a point in your life where you want to discard the pain of the past?

Has the time come for you to practice self-love and put yourself first?

You have the power within you to create the life you want!

We all have the power of self-worth within us, no matter who we are or where we came from. That is the first thing that you should know and tell yourself daily. The problem is that our childhoods often define us in so many ways and we are constantly reminded that we aren’t good enough, we have failed, we aren’t worthy or we battle against a hundred other negative feelings that flood our minds.

You can stop feeling that way and with Alive at 35: An Inside Out Approach to Discovering What Love is and How to Feel Whole While Being Single, you can literally change your life for the better with chapters that look at:

 Accepting judgments and learning to live with them
 The power of forgiveness
 The importance of your physical and mental wellbeing
 Learning self-love
 Choosing to pursue happiness
 Doing what you love the most
 Developing your self-worth
 Facing your fears
 And lots more…

Although this book is titled Alive at 35, this is merely where the author was when she discovered how to love herself for who she was. You might be 18 or you might be 80, the point is we all arrive at destinations at different times. What was right for her, may be too soon for you. But the crucial fact is it’s never too late.

Redefine your self-worth and banish the traumas that have held you back from the happiness and contentment you deserve.

Click the link below to get the Book!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions



The hottest gift to give your lover this holiday season.  Get yours before they run out and enjoy the passion of the holiday season all year long.  

The book includes so much more than the amazing and fun positions to try.  You get 12 New Sexy Challenges, tips to make your love life more fun, articles to help you improve as a love and more.  

Get this under your tree today and have yourself a Holiday to remember. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020



"Miracle baby" Nakoa Jamar discovers a mosquito bite in the center of his chest on his 12th birthday, which rapidly grows into an evil Siamese twin. The older Nakoa gets, the more terrorizing his twin brother, Marcus, becomes. Distressed by the changes in their family and unable to bear another scandal incited by Marcus, The Taylors, Nakoa's parents, research doctors to separate the twins after the boys nearly destroy each other in a merciless fight. The problem is the boys are conjoined at the heart. Separation will kill them both. 

Using horror, fertility issues, and Yin and Yang symbolism as the backdrop, Egg contemplates what it means for light and darkness to manifest in the body. Egg explores the limits of love and the limits of hatred while speaking to the distinct ability we have as human beings-the ability to choose. 

Click here to get EGG on Amazon / Kindle

Click here to get EGG on Kindle Unlimited

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Secret of the Green Anole


Part psychological thriller, part medical horror, what this debut novel ultimately births is medicine most monstrous.

For Dr. Tim Hill—surgeon, husband, and father of two—the regenerative ability of the green anole lizard to regrow its tail if the appendage is detached is a phenomenon that, if unlocked, could sharpen his already impressive skill set and potentially end the suffering of countless patients. Family has always come first for Tim, so when his obsession causes him to fall into the clutches of a lurking darkness, it will be his own flesh and blood that is transformed by his terrifying medical treatment protocol. In the Hill mansion, the boundary that separates good and evil ceases to exist and patient outcomes prove impossible to predict—and control.

The Secret of the Green Anole draws on the transformative yet gruesome operating room to diagnose the turmoil that resides within even the healthiest families. 

Click here to get The Secret of the Green Anole 

on Amazon / Kindle

Author Jake Shuford


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Benita Renee Jenkins: Diva Secret Agent


Benita Renee Jenkins: Diva Secret Agent

This first edition of the action-packed urban series centers on a young Brooklyn hairstylist who finds herself in the wrong place at the right time.

Growing up in "Do or Die Bed Stuy" Brooklyn, Benita Renee Jenkins has everything going for her--a great job, loving family, loads of friends, and the hope of one day becoming a crime scene investigator. However, things change when she unknowingly crosses paths with Miguel Perkins, a hot secret agent working for a clandestine agency created to throw the book at the most untouchable of bad guys. He is hell-bent on recruiting Benita to infiltrate the life of an ex-gangbanger who has built his music empire on corruption. When Benita is set up for a crime she didn't commit, Perkins gives her a choice: go to jail or come work for him. She knows she must give up her old life to keep the ones she loves safe. With combat training and a full-fledged makeover, this former hairstylist turned secret agent plans to take down the bad guys one thug at a time.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Relationship Should Be 50/50



If Not It Won't Work!

Have you ever wondered why relationships, whether it is romantic, family, in-laws, etc. can become hard and become a struggle, and some even become toxic? Furthermore, have you ever wondered why many people in the world are in the pursuit of real happiness and yet can’t get it? How about we let GOD answer these two crucial questions?

Therefore, in this book, you are going to see:
• The reason relationships of all kinds become hard.
• GOD’S SOLUTIONS for Relationship Problems
• What 50/50 means in a relationship.
• The only way set up by GOD for you to have perpetual happiness daily in your life.

Discover the truths today.

Jessie And The Hurricane

  Jessie And The Hurricane When Miami detective Jessie Mitchell travels to New York to assist with a high-profile case, he leaves his family...